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1  Scripting / Script Help / Re: [VBS] Setlevel not work... on: July 08, 2013, 09:31:57 pm
Code: [Select]
else if ( cmd == "setlevel" )
if ( level >= GetCmdLevel( cmd ) )
if ( ( args ) && ( numArgs == 2 ) )
local plrText = GetTok( args, " ", 1 );
local setLvl = GetTok( args, " ", 2 );

local plr2 = null;

if ( IsNum( plrText ) ) plr2 = FindPlayer( plrText.tointeger() );
else plr2 = FindPlayer( plrText );

if ( plr2 )
if ( plr2.ID != plr.ID )
                                                if ( GetPlayerLevel( plr2 ) > LVL_UNREGISTERED )
              if ( setLvl.tointeger() > LVL_UNREGISTERED )
        if ( setLvl.tointeger() < level )
              local oldLevel = GetPlayerLevel( plr2 ); 
              if ( oldLevel < level )
              if ( oldLevel < setLvl.tointeger() )
Message( "Admin " + plr + " has promoted player " + plr2 + " to level " + setLvl );
Message( "Admin " + plr + " has demoted player " + plr2 + " to level " + setLvl );

                  SetPlayerLevel( plr2.Name, setLvl );
            else MessagePlayer( "You cannot set the level of higher or equal level admins", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
            else MessagePlayer( "You cannot set a level higher or equal to your own", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
          else MessagePlayer( "Invalid level", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
                                                else MessagePlayer( plr2 + " is not a registered nickname.", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
else MessagePlayer( "You cannot set your own level", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
else MessagePlayer( "Invalid player", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
else MessagePlayer( "Invalid arguments (/setlevel <player> <level>)", plr, COL_CMDERROR );
else MessagePlayer( "You must be a level " + GetCmdLevel( cmd ) + " admin to use this command", plr, COL_CMDERROR );

return true;
} // End of 'setlevel' function
2  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: Spam Protection on: June 26, 2013, 10:09:02 pm
My version of this script
Code: [Select]
lastmsg <- array(20);
lastmsg2 <- array(20);
lastmsg3 <- array(20);
local kick = 0;

function onPlayerChat( player, text )
    if ( ( text == lastmsg[player.ID] ) && ( text == lastmsg2[player.ID] ) && ( text == lastmsg3[player.ID] ) && ( player.Muted == false ) )
                if ( kick < 3 )
          player.Muted = true;
          NewTimer( "MutedPlayer", 15000, 1, player );
          Message( player + " has muted ( 15 sec. )" );
                        kick += 1;
                      Message( "Kicking " + player + " (Spam)" );
                    KickPlayer( player ); // Here can be kick or just notification
                  kick = 0;
lastmsg[player.ID] = array(20);
lastmsg2[player.ID] = array(20);
lastmsg3[player.ID] = array(20);
lastmsg3[player.ID] = lastmsg2[player.ID];
lastmsg2[player.ID] = lastmsg[player.ID];
lastmsg[player.ID] = text;

    return 1;

function MutedPlayer( plr )
plr.Muted = false;
Message( plr + " has unmuted" );

3  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Vice Unleashed Started! on: December 20, 2011, 06:53:54 pm
These are real screenshots VU :D Well, almost, it's VC mod
4  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Vice Unleashed Started! on: December 19, 2011, 08:38:00 pm
5  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 14, 2011, 09:22:20 pm
Thank you. And no more commands that are not written anywhere?
6  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 14, 2011, 04:57:18 pm
Thank you all)
Is it possible to also enable the names of cars?
7  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 13, 2011, 08:26:39 pm
No, I want to be like in a single game display the names of areas

I mean, the sight of weapons
8  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 13, 2011, 01:18:27 pm
The people, help me, can I return the names of areas and cars?
Can I remove the sight?
9  News and Content / Liberty Unleashed News / Re: New update coming soon on: September 11, 2011, 03:07:12 pm
Please correct the last two letters of the Cyrillic alphabet, but they only can be written in upper
10  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 11, 2011, 03:00:33 pm
And you can use this command to return the names of areas and cars, and generally can it?
How to remove the sight?
11  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 10, 2011, 01:46:55 pm
12  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Known scripting issues on: September 10, 2011, 01:38:06 pm
What value for the command SetHUDItemEnabled?
13  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (11/04/2011) on: June 07, 2011, 08:26:45 pm
Dear developers LU, please tell me when you fix the most horrible bugs last update, but it is constantly appearing cars, 3-seater car instead of a 4-seater, the inability to make a script for door locks, frequent game crashes, lack of lowercase ? and ?

When do you crash?
What do you mean with lack of lowercase
You can lock cars with Vehicle.Locked, or lock doors by using return 0; on vehicle entering.
And what do you mean with the 3-seater shitz?

Under the 3-local, I mean that the car may sit only 3 people.
After blocking the door, the man who is trying to get it crashes
Excuse me, I do not speak English, I use google translator
14  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (11/04/2011) on: June 07, 2011, 04:45:39 pm
Dear developers LU, please tell me when you fix the most horrible bugs last update, but it is constantly appearing cars, 3-seater car instead of a 4-seater, the inability to make a script for door locks, frequent game crashes, lack of lowercase ? and ?
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