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1  Off Topic / General Chat / Back to LU on: September 25, 2017, 04:44:12 pm
What's up guys... Most/all of you probably don't even remember me because I was most active in 2012/13. Today I felt some kind of need to join back and see if there's anyone alive on the servers. I came back in 2015 to play on lolmortuary (with Svenko and another guy Aeoris or something like that) on some kind of mapping project and we had a really good player base. I can surely remember when there were 30 of us online but that didn't last for a long time so I left again. I'm back in late 2017 and I hope I'll see some of you on the servers.
2  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Liberty Unleashed Version STEAM on: October 14, 2016, 01:26:38 pm
It still works ! :)
3  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Re: can't use. on: December 02, 2015, 11:01:36 am
LU currently doesn't run with Steam. You have to replace the executable with one from a CD copy of the game. (Piracy isn't supported or allowed here, so please be careful with your replies).

Steam uses a custom executable that doesn't work the same way as the original CD versions do, which is why you can't downgrade it.
Actually it does work with this method, we've tested it last month to see if it still works and it does :) !
You just need to follow this guide and you'll be able to play LU on Steam, it will record your hours on GTA3 without any problems :)
4  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: How many languages do you know? on: July 30, 2015, 10:47:13 am
Speaking English fluently, besides that Serbian (my natural language), Russian and a little bit of German  ;) ;) 8)
5  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (06/08/14) on: August 09, 2014, 10:24:52 pm
Thank God LU is not dead ;]
6  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Script Release] Extended Garages (Bombshops, Pay'n'Sprays) on: July 01, 2014, 07:55:46 pm
Nice script man..
I wish I can script too and make LU server..
7  News and Content / Liberty Unleashed News / Re: An update on the progress on: June 30, 2014, 09:35:52 pm
Guys are you making any progress or this new update version is dead ?
I want to advertise LU on my YouTube channel so more people can come here and play with us on servers..
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