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1  Scripting / Script Help / IsLineOfSightClear(?) on: May 18, 2013, 09:17:27 pm
Direct to the point...
Arguments for the IsLineOfSightClear function are needed, do anyone knows them?

Thank you
2  Scripting / Script Help / [SOLVED] System language detector on: April 13, 2013, 12:35:40 am
Is there a built-in method for a script to know the system language of the OS that is running the server?
If it's not, how can I do it?

Thank you in advance
3  Liberty Unleashed / Support / Vehicle Respawn Time on: March 15, 2013, 05:56:04 am
Hello LU Community

As you see in the title, the vehicle respawn time is very useful depending on the server, and I present you the next problem I have

This configuration line:
Code: (Configuration line :P) [Select]
vehicle_idle_respawn_time 250makes the vehicles respawn after unused for a while.
How can you guys make so the vehicles stay on the same spot until the server stops (infinite)?

Thanks and happy killing
4  Off Topic / General Chat / [ES][EN]English translator... on: March 13, 2013, 06:30:18 pm
He visto a varias personas preguntando aqui cosas pero no saben inglés, por lo que usasn Google Translator. Nótese que los regionalismos que hay (quilombo, desmadre, pibe, etc) y las faltas de ortografía no son reemplazadas por el traductor. Podrían postear en español (nadie ha dicho lo contrario), pero es mas probable que te resuelvan un problema si lo posteas en el idioma por defecto del sitio
Es por eso que me ofrezco ser el traductor Inglés - Español del foro
Como usar mis servicios: Mandenme un PM con el post que desean poner (en español), y yo respondere a ese mensaje con el post traducido al inglés, para que ustedes lo puedan postear.

Este servicio será gratuito, y si logra tener mucha demanda, se tomarán medidas adicionales.

I've seen some people asking things in this forums but they don't know a bit of english, so they use Google Translator. Note that the regionalisms (quilombo, desmadre, pibe, etc) and spelling mistakes are not replaced by the translator. They could post in spanish (nobody said you can't), but it is more likely that your problem solves if it's posted in the default forum language.
That's why I'm offering to be the Spanish - English forum translator.
How to use my services: Send me a PM with the message you are going to post (in spanish), and I will reply to that PM with the post translated to english, so you can post it.

This service will be free, and if it grows, aditional things will be added.
5  Scripting / Script Help / Save the player's Weapons on: March 13, 2013, 12:05:47 am
Hello Community

I'm here to ask for help because I don't know what to do: I am trying to save the player's weapons on disconnection, but I don't seem to figure out how to read the ammo of the weapons the player has. The function that partially solves this problem is Player.WeaponAmmo, but I need to read all weapon's ammo, not just only the one that the player is holding...

Thank you in advance and happy killing :)
6  Servers / General Server Chat / RealLife/RPG server suggestions on: March 04, 2013, 05:15:37 pm
The point of this topic is to learn what you want in a RealLife/RPG server.
Ideas are endless in this kind of servers but possibilities are limited. So give your suggestion!

I wrote some ideas because this is what every RPG server must have.

-Bank System
-Account System
-Buy Cars

7  Scripting / Script Help / How to display Ammo in real-time? on: March 03, 2013, 09:19:58 pm
Hello, here's my problem:
I made a custom HUD using weapon sprites, and the ammo display below (just like vanilla), but Ammo does not display correctly; you have to change to another weapon and return to the last one to see the ammo changes, and it does not change in real-time (I've tried using onClientRender, onClientKeyStateChange, lP.WeaponState, etc.), nothing works as expected, I need help.

Thanks and happy killing :)
8  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Message when closing the server on: March 01, 2013, 06:46:07 am
Sometimes when I close my server, this message appears:
sendto failed char 1 to 0
Is this a bug, or my mistake?
NOTE: This message is not the original, the message appears very quickly before the server closes, so this is the messge I managed to remember
9  Off Topic / General Chat / I need a Program on: January 16, 2013, 03:19:59 am
I need a program that copies the saved data (hashes, player passwords, etc) between two different servers, so the data can be accessed by both of them. So if anyone knows how to download it, or how to make one, it will be appreciated

Thank you in advance
10  Servers / General Server Chat / New server. What Gamemode? on: January 15, 2013, 04:58:26 pm
The thing is, I have some gamemodes in mind, but I want to give you what you guys want.
11  Scripting / Script Releases / [BetterLU] Spawn Protection Script V2.1 on: January 03, 2013, 05:06:24 am

This script protects recently spawned players so they can't take damage before 5 secs after spawning.

This script features:
* A configurable time before a player take damage when spawning.
* Messages when the player is starts/finishes being protected

Move the .nut file to any script folder. After that, write the following line to your Script.xml:
<script file="SpawnProtection2_0.nut" client="1" />

Current Version: 2.1

This script is provided for personal use. You are only allowed to use work from this script for remixes and compilations (You are not allowed to redistribute my script in its entirety.) if I am given credit for my work on your release. You are not allowed under any circumstances (barring special permission) to distribute my work in any form using links or any sort of advertisement services. Nor are you allowed to accept donations or payment for anything that makes use of my work.

- Main Download: Link 1 [Use this link if you're happy to support my work. This link will never change URL and always be up to date.]
- Mirror: Link 2
12  Off Topic / General Chat / Merry christmas! on: December 23, 2012, 08:38:44 am
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I am realizing that LU community is growing fast this days, and I hope to see a bigger one next year! Also the 1.1 update , more server diversity and a lot of great things.

Cheers!  :D

13  Scripting / Script Help / Help with .ini on: November 20, 2012, 10:45:18 pm

I'm making a language system using an ini file, in this way:

Code: [Select]
esp = "Esto es un test"
eng = "This is a test"

In VRocker's area system, he uses many strings in a single "title", so my ini would be like this:
Code: [Select]
Test = "Esto es un test", "This is a test"
How to read sections of the same "title"?

14  Scripting / Script Help / [Misc] Colors on console on: November 13, 2012, 06:16:27 pm
Just for fun ( and a little bit of knowledge ), how can you use coloured messages when you use "print" for console?

15  Scripting / Script Releases / [EN] -- Script Releases Central -- on: November 12, 2012, 09:08:22 pm
Script Releases Central
by IdkanYavuk

Hello everyone, welcome to the Script Releases Central, in this thread you can find, in alphabetical order, every script release posted here in the forums. Also, this thread will be updated every time a new script is posted in this section.
Hope you enjoy :D

Hints & Tips:
  • Ctrl F to search for a certain letter, like this: "LetterA", or "LetterT". You can also search for scripts.
  • To install, you only need to place the downloaded folder intho the "Scripts" After that, you need to write this to your content.xml:
    <script folder="FOLDER" />


Car Health Counter

Script Type: Client Side - Sprites
Category: Any
Author: mimomohamed
Description: A nice health counter to use along with a speedo
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: MediaFire | Hotlink | Multiulpoad
Original Post: Car Health Counter ;D

Chat Correction

Script Type: Server Side
Category: Any
Author: Shadow
Description: This is a script which corrects your chat by setting the text as lowercase, then setting the first letter as uppercase, and based on few trigger words, sets the correct gramatical symbol at the end of the sentence.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: 1.0 | 1.1
Original Post: [RELEASE]: Chat correction

Class Selection Script

Script Type: Server & Client Side
Category: Any
Author: Force
Description: This simple class selection script has been written to help out those who wish to show the skin name, or team name, of the selected skin, whilst on the skin selection screen.
IdkanYavuk's Rating: Congratulations! Very Useful Script
Download: Direct
Original Post: Class Selection Script



Script Type: Server Side - Hashes
Category: DeathMatch
Author: Force
Description: This is the first release of my base scripts for Liberty Unleashed, it provides all the basic commands that you would need for a simple deathmatch server with accounts. You are also able to save your stats and toggle whether or not they get saved.
IdkanYavuk's Rating: One of the must-have scripts.
Download: Direct
Original Post: Force's Beginner Scripts - Release 1

Fuel Script

Script Type: Server & Client Side - Sprites
Category: RPG
Author: X_94
Description: A well-made Fuel script, with fuel dispatchers and a little on-screen marker
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: New LU Fuel Speedo Script


IRC Echo script

Script Type: Server Side - IRC
Category: Any
Author: Svenko
Description: This script will connect your server to LUNet.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: IRC Echo


Script Type: Server Side - IRC
Category: Any
Author: PlayerX
Description: A script to make your server connect to a IRC channel
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: IrcX 1.0


Location Saver

Script Type: Server Side - Hashes
Category: Any
Author: Force
Description: A very simple script that can be used to save player or vehicle positions for use in the content.xml.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Location Saver

Location System

Script Type: Server Side - Hashes
Category: Any
Author: Demi God
Description: This is a script can your current position and goto that position anytime you want.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: 0.1 | 0.2
Original Post: Location system (Database)


MessAbout Script

Script Type: Server Side
Category: Fun
Author: VRocker
Description: This is the main script from the mess about server.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Mess About server script


Pay'n'Spray script

Script Type: Server Side
Category: RPG, Fun
Author: Juppi
Description: A script which enables fully-functional Pay'n'Spray garages.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Pay'n'Spray garages

PHP Query

Script Type: Server Side - Web
Category: Any
Author: Thijn
Description: A Query script written in PHP to query your server and display the information (for example) on your website. It comes with an basic example which displays the hostname, players, max players and game mode.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: PHP Query

Protection Racket (LU MiniModes)

Script Type: Server & Client Side
Category: Own (Protection Racket), DeathMatch
Author: Force
Description: A simple Protection Racket Deathmatch game mode, the aim of the game is to either defend or destroy the limos, you take it in turns to do each.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: LU Mini Modes [Protection Racket]


Ramp Spawning

Script Type: Client Side - Objects
Category: Fun
Author: Juppi
Description: This script binds keys to spawn ramps in front of your vehicle and/or to give your vehicle a speed boost.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Ramp Spawning

Registration System

Script Type: Server Side - Hashes
Category: Any
Author: Force
Description: This simple registration system is easy to use and comes with both /register and /login commands. The scripts have been heavily commented to help in figuring out what it all does.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct | Mirror
Original Post: LUS - Registration System


Spawn Protection Script

Script Type: Server Side
Category: DeathMatch, Fun
Author: VRocker
Description: It offers spawn protection for a set amount of time (you can define it in the "server.nut" script).
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Spawn Protection

Spectate Script

Script Type: Client Side - Camera Movements
Category: Fun, Deathmatch
Author: VetalYA
Description: Script allows you to spectate for another players.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Via PasteBin
Original Post: Simple Spectate Script

Speedo Script

Script Type: Client Side - Sprites
Category: Any
Author: Juppi
Description: A Squirrel speedometer written for LU which is created using GUI sprites.
IdkanYavuk's Rating:
Download: Direct
Original Post: Liberty Unleashed Speedo Script

Thread continues below
Pages: [1] 2
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