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Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Re: Table vs array
on: February 10, 2017, 11:59:26 pm
My method was very similar to himselfe. I just didn't use the rawset or rawdelete methods. Instead I just declared a new table slot on connect, and nulled the slot on part.
Anyway, here's my analysis: It's not by much, and definitely not noticeable during runtime, but arrays are indexed by an integer while tables are index by a "key" which is usually a string. Iterating through an array is going to be faster than doing so with a table because processing an integer is faster than a string.
However, using the table might be more efficient between the two examples you provided. In the table, you provide a direct reference to the player instance, and can use it without having to use FindPlayer. Again, however, I doubt the performance differences are significant.
But it might be worth noting, that you index the table by player name. I don't recommend this. I would suggest using a player ID. The player name can change during gameplay by either scripting methods or a hack, but the player ID is going to remain the same.
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: GTA V Spawn Camera
on: February 08, 2017, 08:14:26 pm
Poor choice of words. If the video is hiding any information on how to do it, then it's not very informative. EDIT: I'm going to lock this topic. It's a script release, not a discussion regarding spawn screen exploits. If anybody need support using this, please contact me via a forum PM. Aeoris, you blocked my PM so I'll just put it here:The spawn screen topic was locked because it's a script release, not a discussion regarding spawn screen exploits.
If you have an exploit regarding spawn screens, thats fine. I would prefer you keep the thread on-topic. Also, your exploit topic should probably be placed in the bugs section. You can find that here
I edited the final post, to announce why I locked it. You can find it here
Enjoy the release! I think the spawn screen in GTA V is pretty cool so one for Liberty Unleashed was a good idea.
Thanks, VortrexFTW
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: GTA V Spawn Camera
on: February 08, 2017, 01:12:37 pm
From my experience, onClientRequestSpawn is only called when CTRL is pressed. Returning 0 will make it do nothing. Player just sits at the spawn screen as if their CTRL key was broken or something.
The reason I'm not using the normal spawn mechanism is it bugs out for me sometimes. Also it prevents the spawn spam thing that's been going around, so that's a plus.
Anytime you need the player to spawn, just use GTAVSpawn like the instructions in the original post. It pretty much takes care of the rest.
If you want it to use the normal mechanism, then yes, add it to a server function call within a client script. Just remember to register the function in a server script first.
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Scripting / Script Releases / GTA V Spawn Camera
on: February 08, 2017, 05:58:58 am
I got bored and decided to make a spawn camera like the one in Grand Theft Auto V. You know ... the one where it goes into birds-eye view like the old GTA, then changes a couple of times, each getting closer to the player until finally showing the player and restoring control. Usually a little dialog in there too, but I didn't recreate that lol. So behold, the same spawn camera for Liberty Unleashed! Just plug and play, pretty much. Script folder into server, add to content.xml, and so on. A couple of things though: The draw distance sucks for GTA III, so I had to bring the camera view way down. In GTA V they usually start with the whole city or an entire region of the rural area, before making their way down to the smaller area where the player is. This spawn camera I made starts in the small area, and works down from there. Not exactly the same but it's pretty neat though. Second, normal spawn with the control key is blocked. Use the following snippet of code to use the new spawn camera: GTAVSpawn ( Player pPlayer , Vector pVector ); Anyway, here's the link to the source. Available on GitHub. peasy. Enjoy!
Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: Worst Server (in LU history)
on: February 07, 2017, 12:14:50 pm
Its more about the enjoyment of the prankster than the frustration of the victim A bit of a backstory here:I've been roleplaying on SA-MP for a long time. Almost 10 years and I've had a lot of very serious RP moments ... But for some reason one server always draws me back: Crazybob's Cops and Robbers. The smartass, trolling, and irony created from just the script alone is what makes it so fun. Definitely allows me to take a break and mess with people on a server that not only condones it, but pretty much gives you instructions on how to. Theremin, your server is like that for Liberty Unleashed lol. I've only spent a little bit of time on it but its awesome. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: The end of LU?
on: January 27, 2017, 06:38:45 pm
Yeah, that one on my github is buggy as hell.
The current copy on my PC at home has compatibility for MySQL, SQlite, and INI for data storage so whoever uses it can go by preference I suppose.
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Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: The end of LU?
on: January 27, 2017, 06:25:38 pm
Oh no.
I haven't updated that in a while. I have a few thousand lines and a ton of patches to add to it.
I'll do it once I'm home. At work for 4 more hours.
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