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Scripting / Script Help / Object dissapear on a specific command
on: October 16, 2011, 10:21:23 am
Hm, how could i make a object, lets say a fence and put it in front a driveway of a house, and make it dissapear with a command like /open and when i send /close the fence will apear again? I would put a gate at the enterance to a mansion..
Scripting / Script Help / Spheres problem...
on: October 12, 2011, 06:56:54 pm
Hi, i cannot make this script to work:
function onScriptLoad() { CreateSphere( Vector( -368, 245.84, 61.02 ), 3.0, Colour( 0, 0, 255 ) )
return 1; }
function onPlayerFootSphereHit( player, sphere ) { if ( sphere.ID == 0 )
MessagePlayer( "Vila Janeza tretjega:", player, RED );
return 1; }
function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ) {
if ( player.Name == "xXxMDjxXx" ) player.Pos = Vector( -368, 245.84, 61.02 );
return 1; }
What is the problem? I can see the sphere, but when i walk into it nothing happens..
Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Spawn point by player name?
on: October 10, 2011, 06:00:42 pm
How could i make a player always spawn at a certain coordinate?
Lets say there is a player with a name "testplayer123"
So when this player joins the server or dies, he will spawn at a certain coordinate?
Other players will spawn at default spawnpoints...
Off Topic / General Chat / remotely restart server?
on: March 31, 2011, 11:06:15 pm
Is there any way to remotely restart server? Like a rcon command? I mean you can set rcon command but there is no info how to login or comands to restart or shutdown???
Scripting / Scripting Discussion / property script?
on: March 30, 2011, 11:06:05 pm
Could someone try to make a property script? My idea is that admin could write a comand (/property) and he would see a gui menu showing fields for property name and cost and owner(or for sale) and when he saves it it would show a sphere on the place the admin was stading. And when a user enters that sphere he would see the data and have button buy or rent and a checkbox spawn here. And next time he signs in he spawns at that sphere(checkbox spawn here) and people could earn money from rents(every spawn 100$)
Scripting / Script Help / Show image after connection
on: March 26, 2011, 10:09:45 am
Hi! I tryed to make a script that shows a image while you are choosing classes(image.gif) not class image or something like that, just a predefined image on the server. But welll, my code doesent work and... i dont know why since im not good(at all) at Squirrel code... Could someone please have a look at it???
Liberty Unleashed / Support / configuration incorrect error in server.exe
on: March 23, 2011, 11:21:06 am
Hi, i reinstalled windows yesterday on my computer and on my server... And today i downloaded the server files from the downloads page, extracted and it doesent work... i get this error: I didnot try to edit any files yet, so itc a pure download, i tried it just like the last time and it worked, but now it doesent... ---EDIT---- Fixed the image link
Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Fuel script :D
on: March 19, 2011, 04:03:17 pm
I think it would be kinda realistic if the fuel kinda ran out of fuel after 3-4 minutes And youd have to fill up the tank at a petrol station with a nice menu showing how much would you like to spend on the fuel And maybe a bot driven truck that loads your car up and drives it to the nearest petrol station for cash, or as much cash you have :p, but then the truck should have locked driver doors and invincible so you cant kill or rob or destroy the truck . =EDIT=Suggestion was scripted!LINK:
Off Topic / General Chat / Anyone tried adding custom collision files?
on: March 18, 2011, 11:43:45 am
Hi, haves anyone ever tried to use custom collision files in LU??? If someone haves, could you please post the procedure or a link where can i fint that in wiki... The thing is that i changed the model for my favourite car, and if i use the original vehicles.col (found in models/coll) the car haves these tiny tires from the original gta3 model :p and keeps sparking along the road hehe seems quite finy looking at that car :p
Scripting / Script Help / Need help with class name and class weapon spawn
on: March 17, 2011, 10:20:57 pm
Well, i found some code on the forum and wiki, but it does not work for me, probably something wrong... I tried to make, when you select a character you spawn and see the class name... Actualy its the same two things as someone asked here -> but it still doesent work for me... Or i dont know how to use it correctly. And i tried to make each class get weapons when spawning or when die and respawn... but nothing.. Im just new to this code so please help me, im more good with html or php... Sorry for my poor english, im Slovene