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1  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: lets bring it back on: June 22, 2019, 05:02:44 pm
Poke us on discord if you want to play on basemode or LCK server. Mainly evening European time zones.
2  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: New polish private server on: September 21, 2018, 02:56:32 pm
Private server with public password


however good luck
3  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: [Vote] Which version of LU are you using? on: September 11, 2016, 10:56:09 pm
If I played it I would use the version too.

btw: add poll.

Pozdro ;)
4  Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Update 23-09] GUI Admin Panel on: August 15, 2016, 12:50:01 pm
As far as I know, everything fine with him. He was some times ago on polish site/irc channel. He's a little busy with different things. Another thing that the community here, same as multi, died, so
there is no reason to come here.
5  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (14/06/2016) on: June 20, 2016, 09:22:20 pm

* game-state
* LU's stats by Thjin

1 player online now, in pratice +/- 3 servers available. After update wasn't more than 10 players online. Great :|
6  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: June 07, 2016, 08:49:10 pm
Well, I don't need to know anything more. XP users will stop playing, just as you don't play for a few years. Indifferent to you how many players will play. In the end, it's an old problem (here and surely few others topics). Now, nobody protests, because no one plays. Gratz and good luck with that attitude in relations to the players. ** Progress tends to attract users.**
Pround User Windows 8.1

7  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: June 07, 2016, 05:46:17 pm
Using that poll today is like saying the number of people using a cell phone in the 80's is still the same number of people using them today. It just doesn't make sense.

In 2014 was exactly the same problem and the same arguments.

Maybe I ask otherwise. Do you think after " new update" LU will have more players than now? What if not?
8  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: June 07, 2016, 02:46:10 pm

This Poll was 9 July 2014. I wonder what percentage of players in LU has a XP system now. 36,7% to 43,4% (11 to 13/30 players) is pretty much in multiplayer with a very small community of players.

9  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: June 06, 2016, 01:17:42 am
You're an idot.

If you've been insulting someone, do it without errors. Im not interested in your opinion about me. This is not the main subject here.

That's what happens in LU best captures the counter online players and migration players to other MP. Nothing more.

Btw, your last post here was in 2014. You are very active here. Wb.
10  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: June 05, 2016, 10:47:18 pm
LU logic:
GTA III can be run on Windows 98. Unofficial multiplayer can be run only on system about 10 years later..
Good luck in creating a community of players :| (3 players online at the time of writing the post. Very probably with e.g XP). By the way, very interesting when you played the last time in the multiplayer more than 5 minutes.
11  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: [PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM on: January 09, 2016, 10:13:51 pm
o0?! You replied to my message after 11 days(?). The first reason why I think so. Second is here:

Why it is not removed? Similar posts like this is full on forum. Ofc, It is better than my suggestions and ofc it isn't off-topic discussions. My answer was only attention to this problem.

I guess this post is also offtop in your opinion. Gz!
12  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: [PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM on: December 30, 2015, 07:23:43 pm
This forum really needs new moderators...
13  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: [PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM on: August 07, 2015, 11:30:19 am
New record! (photo of one of our players)

+ New website on the old address >>>Click!<<<

/race & /derby soon!
14  Servers / Advertise your server! / [PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM on: September 21, 2014, 06:57:29 pm
[PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM

Slots: 32
Gamemode: DM & RPG
Location: Poland
Owners: Rwwpl & Piterus
Bonus: hidden packages, cases, codes to prescribe, special DM arena, pickups, hitmanlist.

Special thanks to the other members of the administration.


See you on the server :)
15  Scripting / Script Help / Re: /healall help on: September 18, 2014, 05:09:55 pm
How many players were in the server when you were testing this?
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