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1  Scripting / Script Releases / Train announcement system [WIP] on: September 12, 2011, 10:44:31 pm
Train announcement system [WIP]

This is a script which adds audio announcements to the trains in Liberty City. The announcements are recorded with a text-to-speech application so they might sound a bit weird, however anyone can re-record them and use their own announcements with this script :P

Remember this script is still WIP so all feedback is welcome.

Future plans include a station display made using the GUI in LU showing in- and outgoing trains for a station the player is at.

- On-train audio announcements when a train arrives at and leaves from a station

Move the contents of the .zip file to your server folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="lctrain" />

Update history
- Initial release

Latest version: Train announcement script
2  Scripting / Script Releases / A note about script/module releases on: February 28, 2011, 08:38:42 pm
We've decided that scripting and coding releases on the forum must include all required source code for them. This has now been added to the forum standard rules (module releases have already had this rule since the release of 0.1).

Main reason for releasing the source code is security - If we allow releases without source code then anyone could release a compiled malicious script/module. A release with only a compiled module/script doesn't really help the community either, since you can't learn anything new from the code, nor can you modify it for your personal needs.

Thank you for your attention :)
3  Scripting / Script Releases / Pay'n'Spray garages on: November 30, 2010, 07:40:43 pm
Pay'n'Spray garages

This is a script which enables Pay'n'Spray garages in LU.
You can see the script live in LU Public server.

- PnS garages work pretty much the same way like they do in single player
- Pay'n'Sprays are free, they fix your vehicle and paint it with a random RGB colour
- The garages don't accept too big vehicles or emergency/military vehicles (like in single player)

Move the contents of the .zip file to your Scripts folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="PNS" />

Update history
- Initial release

Latest version: Pay'n'Spray script
4  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update (10/11/2010) on: November 11, 2010, 12:41:33 am
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • Changed how sounds are handled. Now they need to be opened and closed by the script
  • Added a colour picker to the browser for the nickname
  • Added more error messages on scripts
  • Added setting of player alpha (Player.Alpha)
  • Fixed a nametag issue if the player spawned with the nametag set off, then had it turned on
  • Fixed frozen vehicles when changing island when they have a driver or a Passenger
  • Fixed some sphere related bugs
  • Added Blip.Colour setting
  • Fixed misc scripting related bugs

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters.

Scripters: This update includes changes to custom sound handling. If you are using custom sounds in your scripts, you need to open the sound before playing (Sound.Open) and close it after playing (Sound.Close). This is to avoid the limit of max. 12 simultaneous opened files.
5  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update and (09/11/2010) on: November 08, 2010, 11:57:00 pm
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • Fixed a bug in the server where running it in a folder with accent characters would fail to open any files
  • Reduced the likelihood of file sending stalling
  • Hopefully fixed an issue where vehicles wouldn't spawn for players
  • Added a scrollbar to the LU browser
  • Updated UAC to include collision files, gta3.dat and object.dat
  • Fixed a bug with vehicle virtual worlds
  • Fixed clientside GetVehicleID
  • Fixed some server time related bugs
  • Fixed vehicle engine stopping/starting
  • Optimised checkpoint and sphere code, these changes include custom RGB colours for spheres and radar blip removal
  • Added Player.Velocity setting to clientside scripts
  • Fixed cash increasing when hitting another car
  • Removed built in /kill command
  • Optimised internal code a bit

  • Fixed major crash stopping players joining servers

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters.

Linux server owners: If the server does not restart after updating, download the server package from the downloads page and copy the new server updater to your server directory. Make sure that the updater is executable!

Scripters: This update includes changes to some of the scripting functions. If you are using the following functions, make sure that you are using the updated syntax in your scripts:

It should also be noted that creating a checkpoint/sphere does no longer add a radar blip to the marker automatically. This should be done using functions CreateBlip and CreateClientBlip.
6  Liberty Unleashed / LU Clans / [Ka] - Kuslahden alaste on: November 01, 2010, 08:51:58 pm

Since we now have a board for LU clans I might as well post a few words about Ka (Kuslahden alaste).

Ka has been around for over 4 years. We started off as a small Jedi Knight 2 clan, but pretty soon moved to GTA multiplayer games, mainly VC:MP. Games have changed during the years and currently our members play games like Left 4 Dead, VC:MP, SA:MP etc. - and now Liberty Unleashed as well (officially :P)


Clan Website/Forum:
IRC Channel: #Ka.clan @

Current members list (in order of joining):

[Ka]Zazzo (Honorary member)

7  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Update (29/10/2010) on: October 29, 2010, 09:25:35 pm
Liberty Unleashed 0.1 Update

Updates to Liberty Unleashed 0.1 have been released, they will be automatically applied the next time you restart your server browser, the following changes include:

  • Fixed wanted level being set when shooting a player with a cop skin
  • Hopefully fixed passengers being thrown out of very fast moving vehicles
  • Fixed the Linux server crashing due to certain scripting functions
  • Updated serverside Squirrel version
  • Fixed a bug in putting player to a vehicle (Player.Vehicle)
  • Fixed an updater bug

The update requires the new client (which the browser should download) and a new server for any server hosters.

We are aware that the updater was bugged in the releases. If you're getting version errors or the browser wants to keep updating, run the LUUpdate.exe in your GTA3 directory after the browser closes from the update. This has been fixed so it will update properly with the next updates.

Linux server owners: If the server does not restart after updating, download the server package from the downloads page and copy the new server updater to your server directory. Make sure that the updater is executable!
8  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Scripting wiki on: October 25, 2010, 07:53:11 pm
The Liberty Unleashed wiki can be found from!

Scripting related pages:

9  Scripting / Scripting Discussion / Known scripting issues on: October 25, 2010, 07:38:42 pm
A list of currently known scripting issues can be found from the wiki. If you're having problems getting something to work check the list if it's a known and not yet fixed issue.

If you do find a scripting related issue you can use Mantis to report the bug or you can edit the known issues page on the wiki. Alternatively you can post the bug here. Before you do either check that the bug has not yet been reported by someone else.
10  Scripting / Module Releases / About Squirrel modules on: October 25, 2010, 07:24:10 pm
Modules are Squirrel extensions written in C or C++. With modules you can add your own functions, constants and events to Squirrel scripts. More info about modules on the wiki page.

NOTE: This is NOT a C/C++ help forum. If you don't know how to code in C/C++ there are loads of tutorials around, so use Google.

Creating your own modules

Liberty Unleashed offers you a C SDK to write your own C/C++ modules for Squirrel. The module SDK is available from here.

If you have a module you wish to release for public, post a topic for it on this board. You must provide the source code with the module, otherwise your module will be removed.

Official modules

This is a list of official modules shipped with the Liberty Unleashed server:

  • lu_ini - Provides functions to read/modify .ini files
  • lu_hashing - Functions to calculate MD5 or SHA1 checksums for strings
  • lu_sqlite - SQLite functions for creating, querying and modifying SQLite databases
11  Scripting / Script Releases / Liberty Unleashed Speedo Script on: October 24, 2010, 11:54:58 am
Liberty Unleashed Speedo Script

This is a Squirrel speedometer written for LU. Some of you might have seen older versions of this script using GUI elements during LU betatests, the latest update features a speedometer which is created using GUI sprites.

- An analog speedometer which displays your current speed in KPH
- Automatically switches from GTA hud to the speedo when you enter a vehicle
- Warning lights for vehicle health, handbrake status and vehicle lights
- 'L' key toggles the vehicle lights on/off
- Type '/speedo on/off' to enable/disable the speedo

Move the contents of the .zip file to your server folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="speedo" />

Version history
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- 0.1.1 Some small fixes and optimisations, added an altometer for dodos
- 0.2.0 Complete redesign using labels, added current gear and LED lights for damage/lights etc, removed altometer
- 0.3.0 Complete redesign, now using sprites instead of other GUI elements
- 1.0.0 Release for public. Basically the 0.3.0 release with small fixes and optimisations (24/10/10)
- 1.0.1 Added a command to enable/disable the speedo (27/10/10)

Latest version: Speedo script 1.0.1

Previous versions might be available at a later date, however they need some modifying to work with current LU scripting.
12  Scripting / Script Releases / Free view camera on: October 24, 2010, 11:47:28 am
Free view camera

This is a free view camera script. It enables a mode which allows you to move the GTA camera around using the common movement keys. This could be useful in creating a spectate mode for example.

- /cam enables/disables the free view camera, disabling instantly teleports you to the camera position (useful for finding locations which are otherwise difficult to access)
- Controlling the camera movement by using W, A, S, D and arrow keys
- Holding Shift increases the camera speed
- Invulnerability while using the freeview mode - no nabs sniping you from their boats!

Move the contents of the .zip file to your server folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="freeview" />

Update history
- Initial release

Latest version: Free view camera script
13  Scripting / Script Releases / Ramp spawning on: October 24, 2010, 11:43:31 am
Ramp spawning

This script binds keys to spawn ramps in front of your vehicle and/or to give your vehicle a speed boost.

- 'O' spawns a ramp in front of your vehicle
- 'P' spawns a ramp in front of your vehicle and gives your vehicle a speed boost
- 'I' only gives your vehicle a speed boost

Move the contents of the .zip file to your server folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="ramps" />

Update history
- Initial release

Latest version: Ramp spawning script
14  Scripting / Script Releases / Headshot on: October 24, 2010, 11:38:27 am

This script enables headshots in your server. Also demonstrates custom sound usage by playing a headshot sound for the killer/killed.

- Instantly kills yourself or someone else if theyre shot in the head. Also displays a message and plays a headshot sound (this can always be disabled if it becomes annoying :P).
- Enabled for weapons starting from shotgun (GTA3). This can be changed to work for weapons like colt or even the bat!

Move the contents of the .zip file to your server folder. After that, add the following line to your content.xml:
<script folder="headshot" />

Update history
- Initial release

Latest version: Headshot script
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© Liberty Unleashed Team.