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1  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: I was banned on the forum ?! on: March 06, 2019, 01:53:27 am
Waluta, Kewun have the first numbers of IP the same as you, and someone from Admins/Mods banned his first numbers of IP. Everyone, who have host the same like Kewun have ban here. Jarzabpl also have...
2  Liberty Unleashed / Suggestions / Re: CreateClientObject( player, Vector(X, Y, Z), Angle ); on: November 23, 2016, 02:14:43 pm
Objects could be installed onScriptLoad() Client side.
*Regardless of the /reconnect bug, This would be the ultimate patch.

But information about objects are downloaded from the server, and they are on client-side. And the client should automatically remove objects after /reconnect. This bug can be fixed, without any new functions.
3  News and Content / Updates/Changes / Re: Update (14/06/2016) on: June 15, 2016, 09:09:48 am
Code: [Select]
You don't have permission to access /Downloads/ on this server.
4  Liberty Unleashed / Bug Reports / Re: Liberty Unleashed Issues List [] on: June 05, 2016, 04:36:25 pm
This topic needs a update
You'll have to PM the user if you want that done. It isn't an official topic, so there isn't much we can do, unfortunately.

This user not have time for updating this topic. But you can ;)
5  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: report on: May 03, 2016, 09:18:12 pm
Sorry, i can't
6  Scripting / Script Help / Re: onClientRequestSpawn on: April 27, 2016, 09:27:49 am
Use CallClientFunc

Something like this:


Code: [Select]
function onPlayerJoin(p)
if (Reg[p.ID] == true) CallClientFunc(p,"testscript/testscript.nut","IsRegister",true); //send to client infomation about register status


Code: [Select]
Register <- false;

function IsRegister(bool) Register = bool;

function onClientRequestSpawn(c)
if (Register == true) return 1; //can spawn
else return 0; //can't spawn
7  Scripting / Script Help / Re: GetWeaponData on: April 16, 2016, 12:52:16 am
You can't change weapon data since (bugged)

Note: This function is deprecated. Its use is discouraged as it may be removed in a future update. This function currently does not work. Other method is using 'Weapon.dat

Weapon.dat also doesn't works
8  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Sorry guys we've moved... on: April 09, 2016, 12:29:03 am
Server started - (VC-MP 0.4)
9  Off Topic / General Chat / Re: Sorry guys we've moved... on: April 07, 2016, 01:16:05 am
Quote from: Piterus
The LU-DM project was established in 2014, founded by Rwwpl (the main creator), eXe^ and me. It was the first major polish server on Liberty Unleashed - multiplayer for GTA3. Later, we also had a server on vcmp 0.3 and 0.4. Currently We have only server on 0.4, where we decided to combine all our servers into one. Here a small sample of the latest tests:

Quote from: rww
Maybe in Saturday next (last?) test, but with better script and small map fixes.
So, We would like to invite the entire community to the test this weekend! IP soon!

More info here and here. Check out other videos from our channel on YT too. Enjoy!

We also invite you to our main server, which is all the time online - (Thx Drake for hosting!)
10  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: report on: April 03, 2016, 01:39:25 pm
Some time ago I have the same problem ;)

Code: [Select]
PlayerNick <- array(GetMaxPlayers(),0);

Code: [Select]
function onPlayerPart(p,r)
if (PlayerNick[p.ID] > 2) return 0;
//your script
PlayerNick[p.ID] = 0;
return 1;

Code: [Select]
function Second()
for (local i = 0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++) //Anti Player Bug
local pidx = FindPlayer(i);
if (pidx)
if (pidx.LUID.len() < 5) PlayerNick[pidx.ID] ++; //countdown, bcs without this, server kicks normal players
if (PlayerNick[pidx.ID] > 2 && pidx.LUID.len() < 5)
PlayerNick[pidx.ID] = 0;
11  Servers / Advertise your server! / Re: [PL/EN] Polski Serwer LU-DM on: April 02, 2016, 12:14:14 pm
This server has turned off forever.
12  Servers / General Server Chat / Re: Requesting a ban from the masterlist on: March 23, 2016, 09:22:34 am
Data folder backup:
13  Scripting / Script Help / Re: sqlite problem? on: March 23, 2016, 12:27:34 am
"May need to check one by one." ~ G.Translate

1 test:
Code: [Select]
//print("here crash");
2 test:
Code: [Select]
print("here crash");

It will be much easier to find and fix anything.
14  Scripting / Script Help / Re: block other vehicle ids on: March 22, 2016, 12:42:33 am
Small edit, but here you have script for block veh ids ;)

Code: [Select]
else if ( szCmd == "spawncar" )
if (!szParams) MessagePlayer("Type: "+szCmd+" [ID 90-150]", pPlayer );
else if (!IsNum(szParams)) MessagePlayer("Type: "+szCmd+" [ID 90-150]", pPlayer );
local ID = szParams.tointeger();
if (ID >= 90 && ID <= 150)
if (!GetBlockedVeh(ID)) MessagePlayer( "You can't spawn this vehicle!", pPlayer );
local v = pPlayer.Pos;
CreateVehicle( ID, Vector( v.x + 5, v.y, v.z ), pPlayer.Angle );
MessagePlayer( "Spawning a vehicle with model ID " + ID + "...", pPlayer );

and under the script

Code: [Select]
function GetVehicleBlocked(id)
switch (id)
case 122:
case 124:
case 125:
case 131:
case 140:
case 141:
case 147:
return 0;
return 1;

15  Liberty Unleashed / Liberty Unleashed Chat / Re: Lu wiki is gone? on: March 06, 2016, 11:23:22 pm
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