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Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: July 07, 2014, 12:58:25 am
I don't know the problem but... I added the MapLoader to my system of accounts, commands, and now works, without errors.
heh? What's wrong?
He had the same problem.
Well, yes, but what was the error? You're not being specific enough.. I need to have the error in order to be able to fix it!
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: June 27, 2014, 03:36:41 pm
And what about the event 'onPlayerSpawn' ?
I have no idea what's causing it, as I said, it might be your script interfering... MapLoader or MapEditor does not call "onPlayerSpawn" to cause an error.
I don't know the problem but... I added the MapLoader to my system of accounts, commands, and now works, without errors.
Good ! That just proves my point, it's something to do with your script :p!
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: June 27, 2014, 12:53:42 pm
1) XML with the objects. In LOADER.xml the map (the name of the xml) 2) MapLoader only.
Mind posting the contents of both please (map.xml and LOADER.xml)? So I can test it on my end...
It's not working because the map name is "Crime City", aka, has two words. Rename it into one word only please. EDIT: Rename the Crime City.xml to crimecity.xml, then: <crimecity> <Object model="1696" x="-1622.62" y="-785.8" z="2.98" rx="3" ry="1" rz="32" world="0" /> <Object model="1696" x="-1626.64" y="-733.075" z="4.775" rx="0.75" ry="358.5" rz="34" world="0" /> <Object model="3146" x="-1634.86" y="-652.25" z="10.975" rx="1" ry="359.5" rz="302.5" world="0" /> <Object model="724" x="-1556.45" y="-1009.55" z="10.965" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> <Object model="725" x="-1281.63" y="-976.95" z="8.59" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> <Object model="822" x="-1359.8" y="-906.5" z="12.495" rx="359" ry="359.5" rz="196" world="0" /> <Object model="952" x="-1626.52" y="-1087.6" z="16.84" rx="0" ry="0" rz="356" world="0" /> <Object model="1033" x="-1575.38" y="-1038.1" z="10.84" rx="359.75" ry="0.25" rz="0" world="0" /> <Object model="1393" x="-1584.8" y="-957.2" z="10.84" rx="357.5" ry="0" rz="172.5" world="0" /> <Object model="1393" x="-1584.8" y="-988.55" z="10.84" rx="0" ry="0" rz="178.625" world="0" /> <Object model="1347" x="-1548.8" y="-948.8" z="10.53" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> <Object model="1347" x="-1548.8" y="-944.8" z="10.61" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> <Object model="1318" x="-1570.88" y="-930.663" z="10.11" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> </crimecity> and then edit the LOADER.xml and add <Map name="crimecity" />
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: June 27, 2014, 02:18:26 am
Hmm, again problem.
1) The map loader fails. 2) When is called 'onPlayerSpawn' by any player gives an error. (The index Pos doesn't exist)
1) How does it fail? Be more specific. Works fine here... 2) What the hell? I don't even call onPlayerSpawn on my script!
1) The objets aren't loaded... 2) Yeah, i know, but when I don't load the scripts works... in my PC and the VPS same.
1) How does your Maps/ directory looks like (and what's inside the LOADER.xml file) 2) That's incredibly weird, something must be interfering with your script... Are you loading the MapLoader or the MapEditor?
Scripting / Script Releases / Re: [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: June 27, 2014, 01:37:20 am
Hmm, again problem.
1) The map loader fails. 2) When is called 'onPlayerSpawn' by any player gives an error. (The index Pos doesn't exist)
1) How does it fail? Be more specific. Works fine here... 2) What the hell? I don't even call onPlayerSpawn on my script!
Scripting / Script Releases / [Map Editor] Gamesparks' Map Editor
on: June 26, 2014, 09:19:33 pm
What is this? Well, since there is not a map editor for LU (that I know of), I've decided to work on one. It's extremely simple, nothing too fancy, but does the job. I didn't test it that much, only with myself (and rarely Thijn) so expect it not being perfect. So, in simple terms: it's an object placement editor for LU that includes a map loader/saver so you can easily share maps with the community! Can I have some pictures?What did I just see? What you saw was the in-game editor. It's quite easy to understand, and you'll be making maps in no time. The commands are:/addob <model id> - Creates an object. /removeob <object id> - Removes an object. /moveob <object id/exit> - Enters the editor. /nearob <range> - Messages you all the objects within the range given. /savemap <mapname> - Saves all the objects in the world into an XML file (so you can load later) The editor has 5 control modes:1 - X/Y object movement. 2 - Z object movement. 3 - X/Y object rotation. 4 - Z object rotation. 5 - Camera movement. It also includes a "sensitivity" features that enables you to control the precision of the movement. How do I load a custom map? Alright, for this you need to understand how the XML files work with this script. This is how the LOADER.xml should look like when you download the script:<!-- This is the loader file. You can manually load your maps here./--> <!-- Just add a new line inside the <loader></loader> with the following code: /--> <!--Map name="file name here" /--> <loader> <Map name="example" /> </loader>
All it's doing is loading the "example" map. Which in return looks like this:<example> <Object model="1356" x="79.34" y="-960.147" z="25.66" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" /> </example>
So all you have to do to install another map is to edit the LOADER.xml file by adding a new line with the map's name:<!-- This is the loader file. You can manually load your maps here./--> <!-- Just add a new line inside the <loader></loader> with the following code: /--> <!--Map name="file name here" /--> <loader> <Map name="example" /> <Map name="mynewmap" /> </loader>
You'll need to have the mynewmap.xml file inside the "Maps/" directory and you're good to go
Map names must be one word ONLY.
Where do I get it? Github Mediafire
How do I install it? Simply drop everything into your server folder! And then edit your content.xml inside the LU folder.
- If all you want is to load maps, simply load the MapLoader script.
- If you want to be able to edit maps, load the MapEditor script.
(I highly recommend you not to load the MapEditor on public servers. I didn't add any restrictions. You have been warned.) DO NOT LOAD BOTH SCRIPTS.
Thanks, and please let me know if it has some bugs, I will try to fix them Happy mapping!