Location system (Database)
This is a script can your current position and goto that position anytime you want.
Script Version is 0.2
Coded by Demi_God
0.1: Mediafire, Uploading, Filefactory
0.2: Mediafire
1.Create a new folder in your server Scripts folder and name it as Location
2.Download Location.nut file from one of the above links to Location folder
3.open serverfolder>LU>content.xml and add this line <script folder="Location"/>
4.Now open the Location folder and create a text document file and name it as Script.xml
5.Open Script.xml and add this line <script file="Location.nut" client="0"/> and save it
0.1: /saveloc, /gotoloc.
0.2: Fixed memory leakage.
1.You can view the saved location Name, Coordinates and Author's name in
Database.sqlite file in your server dir.
2.Please report me if you find any bugs
3.Please don't blame me its my first release