Well, since there is not a map editor for LU (that I know of), I've decided to work on one.
It's extremely simple, nothing too fancy, but does the job.
I didn't test it that much, only with myself (and rarely Thijn) so expect it not being perfect.
So, in simple terms: it's an object placement editor for LU that includes a map loader/saver so you can easily share maps with the community!
Can I have some pictures?
What did I just see?
What you saw was the in-game editor. It's quite easy to understand, and you'll be making maps in no time.
The commands are:
Code: [Select]
/addob <model id> - Creates an object.
/removeob <object id> - Removes an object.
/moveob <object id/exit> - Enters the editor.
/nearob <range> - Messages you all the objects within the range given.
/savemap <mapname> - Saves all the objects in the world into an XML file (so you can load later)
The editor has 5 control modes:Code: [Select]
1 - X/Y object movement.
2 - Z object movement.
3 - X/Y object rotation.
4 - Z object rotation.
5 - Camera movement.
It also includes a "sensitivity" features that enables you to control the precision of the movement.How do I load a custom map?
Alright, for this you need to understand how the XML files work with this script.
This is how the LOADER.xml should look like when you download the script:
Code: [Select]
<!-- This is the loader file. You can manually load your maps here./-->
<!-- Just add a new line inside the <loader></loader> with the following code: /-->
<!--Map name="file name here" /-->
<Map name="example" />
All it's doing is loading the "example" map. Which in return looks like this:Code: [Select]
<Object model="1356" x="79.34" y="-960.147" z="25.66" rx="0" ry="0" rz="0" world="0" />
So all you have to do to install another map is to edit the LOADER.xml file by adding a new line with the map's name:Code: [Select]
<!-- This is the loader file. You can manually load your maps here./-->
<!-- Just add a new line inside the <loader></loader> with the following code: /-->
<!--Map name="file name here" /-->
<Map name="example" />
<Map name="mynewmap" />
You'll need to have the mynewmap.xml file inside the "Maps/" directory and you're good to go Map names must be one word ONLY.
Where do I get it?
How do I install it?
Simply drop everything into your server folder! And then edit your content.xml inside the LU folder.
- If all you want is to load maps, simply load the MapLoader script.
- If you want to be able to edit maps, load the MapEditor script.
Thanks, and please let me know if it has some bugs, I will try to fix them
Happy mapping!