Yay! i have my internet back

so i can keep you guys up to date on any progress again

Yes, i know progress on LU has been slow lately but the pace will pickup soon. AJ has finally got in the swing of creating the mIRC admin (Now called the mIRC Command Console) and i must say he has some VERY interesting ideas! I'm sure you'll love them as much as us

I've had a small dabble with things as i've explained in the development blog (Remember to keep having a look there for the latest updates

and i've been adding some functions to the mirc dll for AJ.
Also while i'm here, i'd like to apologise for the lack of screenshots and videos. Since development has mainly been 'behind the scenes' stuff we cant really show you anything new. When there is something new you'll know about it

Well thats me done, i thought i'd just let you all know that i'm back until i lose the internet again which shouldn't be anytime soon...