This has now been added for the next update. As well as changing the marker type of both players and vehicles to either blips, blips with arrows, arrows only or none.
it's great, thank you.
And.. I expect to see it's in future updates
, but not in the nearest update, only because i dont want to overload you guys, with coding.
Also, if i have the chance to vote for LU's future functions
Do not assign this to Blip
. Make this as new, independent non radar function ( like it has been done in single game)
Just look:
$EIGHT_CAR = Car.Create(#KURUMA, 812.0, -945.5, 35.75)
$1533 = Marker.CreateAboveCar($EIGHT_CAR)
$1307 = Marker.CreateAboveActor($PATIENT1)
In squirrel, it's should be looks like:
local veh, MarkerHandle;
veh = FindVehicle( vehid );
if ( veh ){
MarkerHandle = MarkerAboveVehicle(veh);
local p, MarkerHandle;
p = FindPlayer( playerid );
MarkerHandle = MarkerAbovePlayer(p);
Assign names whatever you want to these functions
, or take mine func names