lu_mysql )
This is a re-release of Juppi's lu_mysql module, which was never formally released. The module would allow you to connect to any MySQL database on any server, unlike SQLite, which restricts you to databases in the server folder. This module can allow you to update stats on a website, while maintaining another database on your server.
The only difference between this and Juppi's original code is a courtesy loading message, two more exceptions for connection failures, and it's been recompiled to work properly. The original module seemed to not compile correctly, and trying to use it would always result in a "Failed to retrieve UserData"
All the credit should go to Juppi for coding the vast majority of this great module. The list of functions provided are:
- mysql_connect( szHost, szUsername, szPassword, szDatabase, iPort )
- mysql_close( pConnection )
- mysql_query( pConnection, szQuery )
- mysql_num_rows( pResult )
- mysql_num_fields( pResult )
- mysql_fetch_row( pResult )
- mysql_fetch_assoc( pResult )
- mysql_fetch_lengths( pResult )
- mysql_free_result( pResult )
- mysql_errno( pConnection )
- mysql_error( pConnection )
- mysql_ping( pConnection )
- mysql_escape_string( pConnection, szString )
- mysql_select_db( pConnection, szDatabase )
- mysql_change_user( pConnection, szUser, szPassword )
- mysql_warning_count( pConnection )
- mysql_affected_rows( pConnection )
- mysql_insert_id( pConnection )
- mysql_info( pConnection )
Some functions are already on the
lu_mysql.dll/so to your Modules folder, and
libmysql.dll to the same folder as the server (if you're using Windows). Load the module and you should be good to go.
DownloadWindows BinaryLinux Binary (MySQL 5.1)
Linux Binary (MySQL 5.5)
Source Code