Instead of creating new hashing algorithms, we should better secure the databases, so that no one will ever look into it, no matter if passwords are saved as plain text, md5, sha or stormy[256]
And who needs to crack passwords, if most of them are already cracked, just type in google and here are the results.
Those are MD5 hashes that are in Google. As for securing databases, you should already be doing that. You shouldn't be just hiding and protecting your database by itself, though. If it does get breached and you use a crappy hashing system, you're just begging for someone to post your passwords online. Many users make the mistake of using them in multiple locations, and as the owner of the server, you become legally responsible for any incidents that arise from such.
As a result, I would highly suggest you use the highest system available to you, if you can. You should not only prevent breaches in the first place, but also plan for them in the event they do happen. You cannot stop every single attack that ever happens, no matter how much security you have...but you can prevent any damage made from it, from becoming worse if you try hard enough beforehand.