function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ){if ( player.Name == "testplayer123" ) player.Pos = Vector( x, y, z );}
You can check the player name with player.Name;So on spawn you could do this:Code: [Select]function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ){if ( player.Name == "testplayer123" ) player.Pos = Vector( x, y, z );}
function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ) if ( player.Name == "xXxMDjxXx" ) { player.Pos = Vector( -812.2, 355.7, 51.32 ); return 1; }
function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ){ if ( player.Name.tolower() == "xxxmdjxxx" ) player.Pos = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); return 1;}
[Tue - 20:09:35] <&VRocker> CRAP![Tue - 20:09:43] <&VRocker> i think i just followed through...
[Sat - 22:11:56] <~Smapy> [R3V]breSt12 killed [R3V]Jack_Bauer. (Splat)
Err yes..Code: [Select]function onPlayerSpawn( player, spawn ){ if ( player.Name.tolower() == "xxxmdjxxx" ) player.Pos = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); return 1;}
Morphine says: them LU devs ranting about how LU doesn't have client pickups while us VC:MPers don't have client anything ;_;Stormeus Argo says: we have client crashes though ohohohohohoMorphine says: LU DOESN'T HAVE THATStormeus Argo says: LU - 0 VC:MP - 1