I'd like to suggest a few useful scripting functions, the first of which is..
Suggested Syntax
Image GUISprite.Image
GUISprite.Image = Image
Reason: This would allow for GUI's to be more customisable from the scripters PoV.
Suggested Syntax
Player.TakeWeapon(player pointer, int Weapon);
Reason: This would allow admins to take a particular weapon away from people, it would be useful for multi weapon choice duels and such.
Suggested Syntax
Player.ListWeapons(player pointer);
Reason: This should return an array of int's containing weapon id's and weapon ammo's. this would be useful fr GUI's if a player wished to replace the current HUD with a server built one.
I hope you consider my suggestions, and even better if you implement them.
Regards Orpheus.