grats on releasen a pub beta..played it for a lil bit... (xfire works ingame btw fine)
i had it installed to fps lag..installed the game to c drive..
now it wont launch from the lu browser...gettin some error sayin it cant find file..continue/quit ...aint launchin....
gonna try the old launcher box was a lil big..running at low resolution..had to turn it off to see wtf i was doin...but other then that shit looks good. (/chatback off is coo though)
edit; o and i noticed..u put the 16 bit bug ...might wanna add..."if u get these purple blocks, please switch to a 32 bit resolution"
edit: fix the 16 bit bug though

cuz 32 bit is laggy for me. and it appears i only crash when somen blows up...but not all the time..and...someone threw a moltov and i crashed...but..just during normal game play it is fine...driven..shootin w/e..its all good.
edit:...runnin 16 bit purple blocks..still laggy though...should run fine however. ok 800.x600..laggy..640/480 ftw -_-

but its damn good for beta...pwns the shit outa mta 0.5 id say once u hit 100% ..should be very nice.. (and..i cant log this report errors...should i just make a new one?)