Okay well, There was a stronger reason behind having this.
Is broken, I originally had this as a method for detections, I wasn't really extremely worried about the scripting method, I just wanted it to work right.
You could redo this to be horizontal if you wanted it to be, Nice snippet for playing with the original hood related data
Turn off all radar related data.
This system is outdated but we will keep it anywho, never updated
Used for flashing the origanal radar and much more
class Player_Progress {
Used as a method to unlock stuff for a player
But can be used for on/off methods
// Hud Related
Radar = false;
Clock = false;
Money = false;
Armour = false;
Health = false;
Weapon = false;
Wanted = false;
// Hud Related
function Set_Radar(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Radar = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_RADAR, Radar)
else {
Radar = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_RADAR, Radar)
function Set_Armour(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Armour = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_ARMOUR, Armour)
else {
Armour = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_ARMOUR, Armour)
function Set_Health(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Health = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_HEALTH, Health)
else {
Health = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_HEALTH, Health)
function Set_Money(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Money = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_MONEY, Money)
else {
Money = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_MONEY, Money)
function Set_Wanted(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Wanted = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_WANTED, Wanted)
else {
Wanted = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_WANTED, Wanted)
function Set_Weapon(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Weapon = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_WEAPON, Weapon)
else {
Weapon = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_WEAPON, Weapon)
function Set_Clock(bool) {
if (bool == true )
Clock = true;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_CLOCK, Clock)
else {
Clock = false;
::SetHUDItemEnabled( ::HUD_CLOCK, Clock)
function onScriptLoad()
// false hide all data
Examples are at the bottom on script load
An example of finding out if something is on or off would be
print("Your Radar is set to: " + Player_Progress().Radar)
False is off, True is on.
You should probably rename the class as it wouldn't really fit to your usages lol. Unless it's whatever to you