Author Topic: Questions for a feature project.  (Read 8409 times)


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Questions for a feature project.
« on: February 04, 2018, 01:19:51 pm »
Hello everyone.

My name is Lucian and I'm 26 .
I'm looking on this forum cuz I was thinking to change the game.
I developed a SA:MP server about 3 years and after all work I was dissapointed by no players on the server cuz there are many other servers old who works fine and a new one die from the beggining.
I tryed yesterday gta 3 multiplayer on LU servers and I saw there are no RPG/RP/Real Life servers wich are the most cool,funny and workfull servers.
From here my questions are:

1. If I'l start a new big project for a server RPG, will be a good ideea?

2. How many players I can wait to login?

3. How many slots is maximum fot a LU server?

4. There is any good scripter on LU forum who can help me or work with me? (If you have your own server workfull, I can support with money to keep it alive hosted +website/forum/panel)

5. Can I make a database mysql wich can save datas every player logout?

6. There are functions for an RPG server as /startwork /sellproperty /buycar /buyhouse and more?

7. Whay system is required to a dedicate server to can handle the maximim number of players? (Ramm/cpu/hdd/etc)

8. Would you like to see this project alive,functional and without bugs?

Thanke you for your time for answering to my questions.
I'm excited to find this LU forum and to start a good project just for fun.
Wish you all the best guys.


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2018, 01:45:34 pm »
Hello lucian,
I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to you for joining us in LU. I'll try to answer some of your questions to the best of my ability, I might be wrong though (don't blame me :p)

1)If I'l start a new big project for a server RPG, will be a good ideea?

Personally, I think that LU's half dead/about to die, there are still players that play, and during peak period, I see around 15+- players around, that's not the case eveery day though. If you are confident enough, you might be able to bring LU back to life again;) to its former glory of like 50+ players. That was quite long ago though, and it would really require a huge amount of deciation to the server. Another server owner, Motley previously had the whole of LU hyped for his upcoming server which featured singleplayer styled gamemode. But then he decided to stop working on it, so now we're left with 4-5 servers. But hey, if your server is really good, I believe that it will get lots of players.

2) How many players I can wait to login?

Probably around 10+- during peak period, there are times when not a single player is in LU though.

3) How many slots is maximum fot a LU server?


4) There is any good scripter on LU forum who can help me or work with me? (If you have your own server workfull, I can support with money to keep it alive hosted +website/forum/panel)

I have a few years of scripting experience in LU, definitely not the best but I'll be willing to help :) There are a few more scripters online in the LU discord and I'm sure they'll be willnig to help you out too.

5) Can I make a database mysql wich can save datas every player logout?

Yeah you can, lu has a mysql and sqlite module, one for reading from a file in the server directory and another from reading data somewhere online. I believe the sqlite module's already included in the server when you download it. There's also Inis too.,917.0.html

6) There are functions for an RPG server as /startwork /sellproperty /buycar /buyhouse and more?

You'll have to script them yourself, there might be a similar script hiding in script releases though.

7) Whay system is required to a dedicate server to can handle the maximim number of players? (Ramm/cpu/hdd/etc)

Hosting an LU server dosen't require much to be honest, the whole LU server's only about 2+- MB, however if you're planning on adding sounds and sprites, the size of the server will probably increase. Do take into account that currently, there's a bug in LU that kicks people out for 'afk'ing in game, it also happens when people are downloading server data too, so if there is too much stuff for the client to download, the client may not be able to join at all.

8)Would you like to see this project alive,functional and without bugs?


If you need help for anything, simply just post a question in the forums(it might be even more dead that LU itself though). Alternatively, you can also ask the LU discord. There's 2 currently, but I don't know the link to one of them.,2800.msg14618.html#msg14618
« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 01:48:34 pm by ARSEnic. »


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LU Server Recommendation
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2018, 03:34:26 pm »
If your gonna play another Server on LU the 2 servers i'd recommend are CZ-MP and Clan Wars

Clan Wars you can form gangs and have wars with other gangs and rob banks and get money to buy houses/clan hideouts

CZ-MP has singleplayer features like you can collect hidden packages and weapons from their spots just like singleplayer

Those are the 2 servers i'd recommend if you aren't working on your server and are wanting to play another.


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2018, 03:59:25 pm »
Hello lucian,
Thx for your answer. Will help me a lot.

If your gonna play another Server on LU the 2 servers i'd recommend are CZ-MP and Clan Wars
I wanna try to create a server by my self. Not to play on one of the existing.


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2018, 09:34:02 am »
ARSEnic is correct ... LU is pretty much dead.

As for a single server reviving all of LU, it's possible but unlikely.
This is the second time Motley has abandoned his projects.

Here's the link to the official LU discord:

On a side note:
You should check out GTA Connected. It's a multiplayer mod for GTA 3, VC, and SA in active development.

I almost forgot, here's my old RP script if you need a reference. It uses MySQL for data storage.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 09:35:49 am by Vortrex »


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2018, 03:44:20 pm »
ARSEnic is correct ... LU is pretty much dead.

As for a single server reviving all of LU, it's possible but unlikely.
This is the second time Motley has abandoned his projects.

Here's the link to the official LU discord:

On a side note:
You should check out GTA Connected. It's a multiplayer mod for GTA 3, VC, and SA in active development.

I almost forgot, here's my old RP script if you need a reference. It uses MySQL for data storage.
Thank you so much for the files.
Also, it can run into LINUX? And if I need some help, can you give me?

EDIT: You don't have a .sql file for the database inside of server files.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 03:51:22 pm by GodLight »


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2018, 07:12:37 am »
Yea, LU works on linux and most of the modules work on linux too, except that .so files are used instead of .dll files.


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Re: Questions for a feature project.
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2018, 01:06:49 pm »
Why people still play LU?
You will start a project, but who cares if Clan Wars server leads the masterlist?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 01:09:06 pm by Kewkew »


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