Yes I have had this problem.
I stated in a post that was about the masterlist that if I click history, press through manually on each previous server, then go to official "Theres nothing at official', Once thats loaded go to the actual masterlist and I typically do not have this problem.
I would like to assume it works 75 percent of the time because:
You have already updated on your part some of the servers that are supposed to be in the masterlist on your side, Clicking official helps contact the actual masterlist without the browser working to hard to make contact, then it's a hit or miss typically once you click the actual masterlist. It atleast works fine for me.
I am operating under wine, So the browser can be a nightmare on my part.
When I do this method and it does not work I typically hurry up and shut down the browser.
*If someone could confirm this works the same in Microsoft Windows that would be nice to know