Author Topic: Squirrel functions for encoding/decoding JSON  (Read 3026 times)


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Squirrel functions for encoding/decoding JSON
« on: November 16, 2016, 12:14:09 am »
These functions, which are also included with my PHP/Web SDK allow you to encode Squirrel tables/arrays into JSON, and vice versa.

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PHP SDK server for Liberty Unleashed, by Rhytz
json_functions.nut - Contains custom JSON encoding and decoding functions
(c) 2016

json_encode( table/array )

Takes a table/array and encodes it into JSON
function json_encode( table ){
if(typeof(table) == "table" || typeof(table)  == "array"){
json <-  "{";
json_recurse( table );
json += "}";
return json;
return false;

json_recurse( table/array )

Recursive function that loops through all layers of a table/array and encodes it.
Used by json_encode().
function json_recurse( table ){
local len = table.len();
local i = 1;
local typ = typeof(table);

//Loop through all keys in the supplied table
foreach (key, value in table) {
//Switch datatype of 'value' for appropriate handling
switch (typeof(value)){
//If the datatype is another array or table, run the function again
case "array":
json += "\"" + key + "\": [";
json_recurse( value );
json += "]";

case "table":
json += "\"" + key + "\": {";
json_recurse( value );
json += "}";

//Handling of other datatypes
case "bool":
local boolvalue = value ? "true" : "false";
//Depending on whether the current current 'table' is an array or table, change markup.
typ == "array" ? json += boolvalue : json += "\"" + key + "\": " + boolvalue;

case "integer":
typ == "array" ? json += value : json += "\"" + key + "\": " + value;

case "float":
typ == "array" ? json += value : json += "\"" + key + "\": " + value;

case "null":
typ == "array" ? json += "null" : json += "\"" + key + "\": " + "null";

case "string":
typ == "array" ? json += "\"" + json_escape(value) + "\"" : json += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + json_escape(value) + "\"";

//Return false if the datatype is unsupported
typ == "array" ? json += "false" : json += "\"" + key + "\": " + "false";

//Append a comma at the end if it isn't the last item in the current table/array
if(i < len){
json += ",";

json_escape( unescaped string )

Puts a backslash in front of any double quotes in the input string.
function json_escape( string ){

//Split the input string on any double quotes
local breaks = split( string, "\"" );
local outputstring = "";

foreach (key, value in breaks) {
if(key > 0){
//Append backslash
outputstring += "\\\"" + value;
outputstring += value;

return outputstring;

json_decode( JSON string )

Squirrel supports JSON syntax to create tables.
This function compiles the input string to Squirrel code.
Use with EXTREME caution and properly filter any user input, because it will also compile and execute any unescaped malicious code within the string.
function json_decode( string ){
string = strip( string );
local json = ::compilestring("return " + string);
return json();
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