Author Topic: Update (14/06/2016)  (Read 62651 times)


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2016, 10:00:47 pm »
I wonder how effective your "threat free" methods are.

It's like if you have a house with a door that has no lock, yet you insist it's fine because the door is closed.


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2016, 03:23:14 pm »
To force someone to update there operating system is a little outrageous as you would not believe what I do to keep my PC threat free on windows XP for the past decade.
1. You are not being forced to do anything.
2. You just said it yourself. You are going through Hell and back to keep your system secure. That is the EXACT reason XP support was dropped, and not just by LU, but by Microsoft themselves...THE PEOPLE THAT CREATED IT.

If you are unable to afford a simple upgrade for your system, that is truly unfortunate, but that is also a personal issue. Windows XP came out 15 years ago. Let me reiterate that. 15 YEARS AGO. (I was 11 years old then. I'm 26 now). If you haven't upgraded your system at all in that time, then you should probably put some focus toward that. If you cannot afford to do so, then your focus should not be on gaming at all, but other things in your life which obviously need your financial support more.

I agree that it sucks to have to be in that position, but there is plenty you can do to resolve it on your end. The choices you make to do so are completely up to you, however.

Well I am currently running my os on a ssd, on the ssd I have it setup so the operating system can not be modified, as well added to..

Currently I have 10 different VPN's to help connect my internet traffic to a safer source then back to me.

I know the entire build of Windows xp on the hard drive and know if something is out of place.

AD block extension on the browser helps a lot to prevent any nasty hijackers.
The computer itself runs very clean and boots up instantly.
Having a Quad core overclocked really helps with that.
No reason to really fragment the hard drive as often as other users as I have a ssd.  I just do it anyway to help maintain the speeds of getting files from the storage sata drive.

There is more, but secretes are not secrets when it comes to security if released.  :D

I do plan to update and I am not bothered by the release of LU I am actually proud.
I hope to see more updates even if there is bugs,,.
1. That is impossible. Your Operating System has to write temporary files and make changes all the time. You also have to be able to save things to your system if you wish to use or change them. A SSD has absolutely nothing to do with that.

2. Having 10 VPN's isn't making yourself safer. That is just spreading your traffic wider. Having one or *maybe* two is reasonable. 10 is just beyond overkill. You are just murdering your internet speeds at that rate. Regardless, your traffic is just going to default to one VPN that is running, depending on whatever your system sees as the default connection at the time. This also has no effect on your Operating System whatsoever. This is a network configuration. If you are using third-party programs to do this, then you don't even need to save your network settings, which should be retained during an upgrade process anyway.

3. There are multiple versions of XP with different variations, service packs, and updates. I highly doubt you know every single piece of it. Not even the people who made it know it that well. That is why they have different teams with multiple people in each team. If you mean you have a general understanding of when something doesn't look right, it wouldn't be hard to learn the same with a new Operating System. Hell, if you learn Vista, you know everything up through 10, minus slight variations and modifications.

4. All of those features have nothing to do with your Operating System. They can all be applied to any OS you use, even ones outside of Windows. Also, don't ever defragment your SSD. It literally does nothing to it at all, and it is slowly depleting the drive's lifespan. Newer Windows OS'es will actually block you from doing so if they detect a SSD installed.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 03:31:57 pm by SugarD »


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2016, 04:04:09 pm »
Until I get the time and money to upgrade I will return.

The operating system is really solid.
I have had Geek squad look it over as well. As well ensured me I have nothing to worry about with the ssd so maybe it is setup specially or they lied no biggie.
I only use the VPN's to switch up my network traffic every 3 days.
Yeah you could say I am tired of doing this.

If it were up to me I would downgrade to windows 95 as I prefer the look and feel of the os. Vista I hated as game saves deleted, some might remember what I am talking about.

I am going to see what I can do os wise and I want to stay away from linux as I have never been able to get packages to work due to broken links in the commands ( Its been a nightmare )

I upgraded my internet after the divorce. So I will no longer need all of my DSL Modem's etc so I can sell them as well I will probably sell the ssd and my keyboard as well speakers and monitor as I know a local flee market, not the greatest hardware there but I can get by, Then I could buy an updated os, but I prefer to see what I can do first.

Yeah, I am turning 26 in December, I have had this OS disc and played GGM with it good times  :D

I hope that React OS
Is LU compatible. Maybe not. But the OS is what I am used to and it is more of a preference thing.

1. Don't trust Geek Squad. I've learned that these guys are a joke and follow a script with no actual knowledge of what they are doing. They just have basic "debugging" knowledge from their training they receive when hired. (I've turned down several past employment offers from them because of this).

2. Why every 3 days? Unless you are working for a government on highly-classified material, or you are doing something very illegal, there's no need for this.

3. Every Windows OS has a Classic theme that emulates the Windows 9x one. Downgrading would be a horrible idea. Anything Windows 98 and below can't even handle a CPU over 2GHz natively without a hard-to-get hotfix. You can also say goodbye to multi-core or hyperthreading support.

4. I can't blame you on the Linux thing. Many people here will probably disagree with us, but I personally think Linux's package system is total Hell to deal with. Installing dependencies has been nothing but frustrating for me in some of the most basic setups. Help is also hard to come by for people new to Linux, as many generic commands don't work on every flavor available out there.

5. Why sell the SSD? They are still worth quite a bit these days. I doubt you'll get much for it at a flea market. You can still use it even if you upgrade too. I'm running Windows 10 on one right now, with a secondary HDD holding all my games.

6. LU is probably not directly compatible with ReactOS, but it is worth a try.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 12:40:50 am by SugarD »


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #33 on: June 22, 2016, 08:13:54 pm »
I once had LU running via WINE on Ubuntu several years ago. Apart from the browser text rendering issue, it ran flawlessly.

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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2016, 10:55:35 pm »
Motley, i really can't tell if you're trolling with your whole 'i love XP and everything before it'. It boggles my mind that anyone would say 'i want to run windows 98' in this day and age.
As for LU, sure it _could_ run on Win98, 2000 etc but LU has never ran on anything older than XP (i did test 2000 once for shits n giggles). Dropping XP support is a good step for everyones sake.
XP is full of so many security flaws these days it's not even funny. There is no way to secure XP anymore due to huge unpatched issues. The only people running a 'secure' XP these days are isolated government systems but they don't run the normal consumer versions. I've taught people how to break fully patched XP systems without even touching them, it's so much fun! It's actually possible to format your entire machine right now by placing a tiny bit of code on the LU forum... *whistles*

Also, i feel sorry for your SSD as WinXP doesn't know how to handle an SSD nicely and it treats it as a hard drive. XP doesn't have support for TRIM and it even tries to defrag them (NEVER defrag an SSD unless you don't like it very much).

You say you connect to 10 VPNs, are these public VPNs? Because that's just silly. The only secure VPNs are ones you control yourself. What's to stop the people running the VPNs from snooping on your traffic?

As for ReactOS, that might work with WINE. I haven't actually tested it but as WINE has the compatibility of what's essentially Windows 7, it might work. If someone could confirm that it'd be great :)

Anyway, GTAV is calling so i'll finish my rant (for the moment!)


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2016, 12:40:24 am »
I gave ReactOS a try in a virtual machine earlier, and all I can say is that I would not recommend using it with LU. I have no idea whether LU would actually run on it or not, but the Operating System is still so highly unstable, it wouldn't be worth trying to play on. WINE may be a different story under *nix, however.


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2016, 01:51:19 am »
Well I can't speak for any version of WINE past 2012 but I did have it working prior to that. Like I said before, it ran really well, but the LU server browser didn't render any text in the grid where the servers are listed. They were selectable and usable but in order to see which one you wanted to connect to, you'd have to click each one individually and look at the info below until you found the one you wanted. However, with the small number of a servers currently online it wouldn't be too much of an issue in my opinion.

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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2016, 09:14:57 am »


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2016, 11:24:22 am »
this new update was bullshit when i open my server in lu he says ;incorrect build please update your installation.


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2016, 07:46:22 pm »
this new update was bullshit when i open my server in lu he says ;incorrect build please update your installation.
Click one time on server and check down bar If server used latest build or old.
If old, you can't play, if same your build you can play.
Little back... Maybe not maybe yes...


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2016, 10:54:12 pm »
Mötley LU doesn't officially support Wine and never has done, however you should be using the x86 redist package as both GTA and LU are 32bit i suggest you try that.


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #41 on: July 01, 2016, 07:03:08 pm »
AdTec_224 I will look into this,.

I have LU working on Version .16. And she runs perfect. I will see what I can do but for now I am not worried about update .17 as I don't play LU I only script, sometimes check out other servers thats it.. So If anything I am fine with .16 until wine adds support for that package needed for LU,.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2016, 07:16:51 pm by Mötley »


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2016, 10:58:36 pm »
The windows server of crashes when having any
Code: [Select]
<vehicle model="96" x="899.68" y="-982.68" z="5.63" angle="91.0" col1="1" col2="2" />in content.xml.

Any suggestion? Eventually how to downgrade to


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2016, 10:05:22 pm »

You might remember this error, this is probably why people are not on LU anymore. I bet you're ignoring it just to troll us all. Fix it or probably everyone's gonna leave forever... I mean, I can just move to only playing on SA:MP while completely ignoring GTA III.


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Re: Update (14/06/2016)
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2016, 03:50:33 am »
The windows server of crashes when having any
Code: [Select]
<vehicle model="96" x="899.68" y="-982.68" z="5.63" angle="91.0" col1="1" col2="2" />in content.xml.

Any suggestion? Eventually how to downgrade to

Turn off the auto-updater and try to find a executable to replace the old one with.

You might remember this error, this is probably why people are not on LU anymore. I bet you're ignoring it just to troll us all. Fix it or probably everyone's gonna leave forever... I mean, I can just move to only playing on SA:MP while completely ignoring GTA III.

Bad attitudes like that are why the Developers don't want to work on things. They do this for free so everyone can have fun. If you don't appreciate it, why should they bother?


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