Author Topic: LU updated.  (Read 4894 times)

Bullseye SBT

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LU updated.
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:59:01 pm »
I noticed there has been an update of LU, when I started the client..

Ø   06/08/2014 - 23:50 (
General - All players now have an ID assigned to them known as the LUID
General - Rewritten the ban list system
Scripting - New ban functions (server): BanPlayer( player[, BANTYPE_CONST] ); BanLUID( luid ); UnbanLUID( luid ); UnbanName( name );
Scripting - New constants for BanPlayer function: BANTYPE_NAME, BANTYPE_IP, BANTYPE_LUID
General - Server owners now have the option to upload an .rtf MOTD to their website (server.conf: server_rule motd
General - Right clicking a server in the browser now enables you to show the MOTD (can be ignored)
General - Attempt to re-add XP support in the client - this WILL BE discontinued at a later date as Microsoft no longer supports XP and so it is recommended to update your operating system
General - Fixed bugs and typos in the browser
General - Fixed the slow-mo bug for those of you on PCs that aren't from this decade

Ø   02/08/2014 - 01:40 (
Scripting - Fixed previously exploitable client script bugs
Scripting - Servers must now call RegisterRemoteFunc( "function" ) before client scripts can use them
Scripting - Removed Halt() from squirrel scripts
Scripting - Fixed the VM busy bug for internal squirrel function calls
Scripting - Fixed CGUILabel alpha not working
Scripting - Added a method to set a CGUISprite's alpha (Sprite.SetAlpha( blah ))
Scripting - Added ProcessLineOfSight to Squirrel - Client scripts: ProcessLineOfSight( void )
Scripting - Added mouse movement/button related events to scripts - onClientMouseMove( short x, short y ), onclientMouseClick( int button, bool down, short x, short y ), onClientMouseWheel( bool moved )
Scripting - Fixed GUIMemobox.FontName
Scripting - Added scripting/gui lib functions to get/set mouse cursor position (client) - Vector3 GetMouseCursorPos( void ), SetMouseCursorPos( Vector3 pos )
Scripting - Fixed CGUIButton::SetTextColour
Scripting - Added buttons to squirrel GUI layers (SendBack, Forward, etc.)
Scripting - Fixed CUtils::ScreenToWorld
Scripting - Added a depth parameter to ScreenPosToWorld (client) - ScreenPosToWorld( float x, float y, float depth ), ScreenPosToWorld( Vector3 pos, float depth )
Scripting - Added Vector.Lerp() to squirrel
Scripting - Made ProcessLineOfSight return a table with the collision entity, position and model ID
Scripting - Fixed some facking stupid sphere/checkpoint related bugs (netcode related)
General - Fixed UGP spamming if it was queried with the wrong version
General - Fixed the -appendname commandline argument in the server only accepting 32 characters
General - Fixed a potential server crash when loading a script that has no Script.xml
Scripting - Fixed setting armour instead of health when calling player.Health in a client script
General - Fixed not being able to get in vehicles
General - Fixed a crash on join if sounds are added to the server

Ø   09/11/2013 - 14:25 (
Fixed the server checking for updates every 84000 milliseconds (Changed to 12 hours)
Reset health and weapons on reconnect
Fixed a crash related to vehicle alpha channels
Fixed a buffer overflow
Fixed the spawnscreen spamming spawned packets on reconnect
Made the crashed packet send as soon as the exception handler displays
Cleaned up a lot of memory on disconnect (helps fix reconnect bugs)
Fixed sirens and locked states of vehicles being incorrectly set on initial connect and reconnect
Fixed dying if /reconnecting while in a vehicle
Fixed a crash in the client when removing radar markers
Fixed a crash when starting/stopping bad timers
Fixed a crash relating to not enough memory for audio objects
Fixed editboxes stealing focus from other GUI objects
Fixed the password being displayed in editboxes when clicking off and back on to editboxes
Fixed a crash with the BF injection when repairing a vehicle out of streaming range of other players then other players trying to enter it
Fixed some bugs with handling data
Changed the invalid nick character to ?
Fixed being able to load client scripts when you shouldn't be (now shouts about checksum mismatch)
Fixed BF Injection crash (again)

Ø   07/11/2013 - 23:55 (
Fixed a bug where clients could load their own client scripts
Fixed not being able to hurt yourself if friendly fire was active
Made UAC verify lu.dll even if it is turned off on the server

Ø   25/12/2011 - 03:35 (
Increased the amount of key binds allowed in a client
Added a packet for when the player crashes. Includes an ID passed to scripts
Added missing characters to the GUI
Added sorting to the browser
Fixed a timer crash
Fixed a server crash with client side elements
Added ReloadScripts to Squirrel
Changed markers for players so that an arrow can be placed over any player
Added blips (and blips with arrows) to vehicles as a script option
Fixed being unable to join passworded servers via the jumplist on windows 7
Fixed a crash in the client (and display driver) when a large message was typed with the chatback off
Fixed logging not working on linux servers
Increased the radar blip limit from 127 (originally 32) to 254
Fixed a rare crash where a player would be entering a vehicle as it got streamed out
Fixed IsNum not recognising minus numbers
Fixed objects being able to get blown up and fall through the map

Ø   12/09/2011 - 21:30 (
   o   Fixed crashing when entering a BF Injection
   o   Fixed a random crash in the anti-cheat
   o   Fixed client scripts not working for some users
   o   Fixed getting stuck in blue hell
   o   Fixed being stuck in a train on reconnect
   o   Fixed vehicles spawning when standing on boxes and other similar objects
   o   Fixed large file downloads freezing the client

Ø   07/09/2011 - 01:00 (
o   Fixed a crash from too many collisions
o   Fixed sliding when walking on objects
o   Fixed cash decreasing by $1000 when dying
o   Fixed a small memory leak in the browser
o   The anti-cheat has been updated to protect against Health and Armour cheats
o   Fixed a bug with vehicles if a script created them on first load
o   Fixed a problem with servers not updating their internal master server list
o   Fixed being able to spam error reports
o   Changed the updater to use the setup file to reduce problems
o   Added forcing Port and IP to the server arguments
o   Fixed weather changing to be more like single player
o   Added trains
o   Added the ability to change the font of GUI buttons
o   Fixed the ban list
o   Fixed crashing on exit when using Xfire
o   Fixed a bug with custom sounds where more than 12 could crash the client
o   Added Windows 7 Jumplists to the browser
o   Added History to the browser
o   Fixed timers crashing the server on Linux
o   Started working on synced vehicle damage, currently only half implemented
o   Fixed setting the sphere position not moving it on screen
I have a mod that I started back in 2008, which is on & off, it's called Liberty City Secrets, I hope one day I find time to finish it :)

Liberty City Secrets


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 10:03:15 pm » is now out. We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 10:06:11 pm » is now out. We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.

Does the changelog include the module API broken? My anticheat can't be loaded bcs this.


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2016, 10:07:11 pm » is now out. We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.

Does the changelog include the module API broken? My anticheat can't be loaded bcs this.

We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2016, 10:29:46 pm » is now out. We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.

Does the changelog include the module API broken? My anticheat can't be loaded bcs this.

Fairly sure the module stuff hasn't been touched for the last 2 years so i have no idea why it's not loading. Might have a look at it sometime tonight (or i'll task adtec to do it *cough*).
As for a changelog, one of us will knock one together when we finish playing GTAV ;)


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2016, 10:33:06 pm » is now out. We're going to have to be patient and wait for a changelog topic.

Does the changelog include the module API broken? My anticheat can't be loaded bcs this.

Fairly sure the module stuff hasn't been touched for the last 2 years so i have no idea why it's not loading. Might have a look at it sometime tonight (or i'll task adtec to do it *cough*).
As for a changelog, one of us will knock one together when we finish playing GTAV ;)

They doesn't load for me in Debian.


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2016, 11:49:06 pm »
Found the problem. AdTec is a tit. He compiled it in 64bit ><

Redownload the linux server from the homepage, that should be the 32bit version (and if its not, blame adtec some more)


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2016, 03:19:35 pm »
Where i find version of LU?


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Re: LU updated.
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2016, 04:53:32 pm »


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