Author Topic: Movement bugs, and what are causing them  (Read 4792 times)


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Movement bugs, and what are causing them
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:00:41 pm »
Okay so I was playing with a few Hungarian friends. They were complaining about me "slipping" and teleporting. I was moving with a joystick when I was slipping, I started using WASD and i wasn't slipping.
So, I've noticed it's all because how LU sends inputs. LU doesn't seem to send joystick inputs, but still sends positions, so it will have you teleporting (or slipping).
Now, I didn't say teleporting WITH slipping. It's a different matter and has to do with how controls work.
There are two control types: STANDARD and CLASSIC. LU switches to Standard when you join, but you can easily change to Classic. (Please don't remove it completely though, some people like moving that way!) So, let's say there is a Classic player and a Standard player. The Classic player presses left to move. Now it would cause him to move left AND down because the camera rotates, but in Standard this doesn't happen, so the player simply moves left then teleports a bit back. Simply put, ALL players move by YOUR control type, and not their control type.
Anyway, here is how the Classic(C)-Standard(S) desync looks like:

             S                                S                                S
          <-C                     C

Please fix these issues, they are REALLY bugging me, especially when I try to record!


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Re: Movement bugs, and what are causing them
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 07:16:44 pm »
Okay so I was playing with a few Hungarian friends. They were complaining about me "slipping" and teleporting. I was moving with a joystick when I was slipping, I started using WASD and i wasn't slipping.
So, I've noticed it's all because how LU sends inputs. LU doesn't seem to send joystick inputs, but still sends positions, so it will have you teleporting (or slipping).
Now, I didn't say teleporting WITH slipping. It's a different matter and has to do with how controls work.
There are two control types: STANDARD and CLASSIC. LU switches to Standard when you join, but you can easily change to Classic. (Please don't remove it completely though, some people like moving that way!) So, let's say there is a Classic player and a Standard player. The Classic player presses left to move. Now it would cause him to move left AND down because the camera rotates, but in Standard this doesn't happen, so the player simply moves left then teleports a bit back. Simply put, ALL players move by YOUR control type, and not their control type.
Anyway, here is how the Classic(C)-Standard(S) desync looks like:

             S                                S                                S
          <-C                     C

Please fix these issues, they are REALLY bugging me, especially when I try to record!
I believe the change to standard controls was done on purpose to avoid desync and people cheating with LU. Do you have this issue in single-player with classic controls too?


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Re: Movement bugs, and what are causing them
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 09:51:34 am »
I've can relate. if i open my server and have two players on one screen the player will move without walking and sometimes punch without animation. i only happen to realize if you use a back button for forward and backward player won't slide. for instance

L1:walk forward
L2:walk backward

this fixes the action.

Please fix so i can continue to enjoy my setup
 also every controller i have the d pad can't be configured i think it configures to the obvious settings. neither joy sticks either. this may be the reason why. same error exists in vcmp.

Put yourself in my shoes

i only use my controller when im switching my staion of monitors to the /steering wheel pedals /old school ibm keyboard station and my other monitor station with the touch pad mouse(the other is just another pc connected to the other pc for video and audio recording software

It aggervates the crap out of me when i grab my wireless controller in case of some wacky killer and roll to another station and someone screams out hacker due to im sliding not walking  ....


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Re: Movement bugs, and what are causing them
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2016, 04:10:16 pm »
S is the standard player and C is the Classic player. Impossible in singleplayer cause obviously theres only one player


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