I'm gonna give you my two cents, I won't be mean just going to tell you what it can be done and what not, from my point of view as a nub in scripting

Im trying to enforce a server function to where its first person, and alter the weapon data to bring the gun up to sight...
Maybe possible with a combo of
onClientRender event and
SetCameraMatrix function
i want to modify the police radio files to be something freaking creepy and that plays on foot durring the server(not police related at all)
You can't modify police radio itself, but you can always load a custom sound and make it playable when the player is on foot
That's all the doable stuff I can see. Most of the things you mentioned can be done as a mod to download and to play, but can't be loaded in a server. blood effects belong to particle.txd I guess (not sure), sky colors and stuff like that, timecyc.dat and ped models, inside gta3.img, and all those files can't be placed in a server, nor can't them be downloaded automatically by joining a server.