Author Topic: Creating a New server due to hackers or looking for an alternitive route  (Read 5674 times)


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Hi! I have been a part of the liberty unleashed since it has came out. Just been hidden.

I would like to create a server due to not only me but other people keep getting there hard work removed due to hackers. I've had this happen about 15 to 12 times [Uptown{ts}jelsgo0
did that to me last night due to I was about to kill him then he went into god mode.then took all my weapons. then my cash then said noob. im 25 been playing gta III on pc since 2002 how am I a noob.?. Then stole my account, can not login now.. Im feed up with the immaturity.. and the lack of support.

I want to be able to work on an account not always starting over then getting up to 100.000 then get all my weapons and money removed due to hackers.. enough is enough,

People are ruining online gameplay for others, people put a lot of work into the server only to have hackers destroy getting ready to turn my back on liberty unleashed they stated its not for hacking. And obviously well its happening :-\ Ive been playing gta 3 and vice city for the past 13 years straight I support lu but the support stops right now. Until something is resolved

Could someone please point me in a good direction,

If I could even get a strong support in a server I don't mind donating each month. I have money.(real life money).I play 24-& off and on during the day I can start recording hackers if that's what it takes to clean up the lu community, Cheers


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Re: Creating a New server due to hackers or looking for an alternitive route
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2015, 12:17:45 am »
honestly I only want to be able to complete an ultimate fantasy of gta 3 online. this obviously was something beautiful turned into crud. its not like there even trying to use the powers they have for better gameplay for all its just pure trolling. I want to war out and if I get a honest death. Ill actually know there's awesome gta 3 players out there. I wouldn't be mad. I've had so many head shots on people that happened to have god mode and kill me..that's altering online gameplay. no respect even with god mode at least half kill me warn me..

I would truly donate to the Liberty-unleashed if it helps put things together to were all can play and game on.


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Re: Creating a New server due to hackers or looking for an alternitive route
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2015, 03:49:07 pm »
Flaming message removed. Keep the discussion positive. Constructive criticism is fine, but downright ****-talking is not okay.

Motley679, don't give up man. Remember, it is your love for the game that keeps you here. All of those people abusing hacks, cheats, and trainers are doing it for the sake of feeling powerful over others. It will never go away no matter what you do, but the better you get at combating it, (including via scripts), the more you can slow it down.

On that note, I also just posted this:

You guys are more than welcome to give and take ideas from there, too, in order to find a solution you seek.


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Re: Creating a New server due to hackers or looking for an alternitive route
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2015, 11:43:00 pm »
@SugarD anyway, flaming message or not, is the truth. I want to say the f***ing truth and not be someone like

Keep the discussion positive. Constructive criticism is fine, but downright ****-talking is not okay.


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Re: Creating a New server due to hackers or looking for an alternitive route
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2015, 06:06:33 pm »
I use to play everyday after college for fun ..haven't played since this last incident.once in my career i plan to contribute to lu and other servers.just gotten discuraged due to wasted time ive invested and needing to do school work then hacker take everything..

 .i will have to study into squirreling when i have free study time.but now is not a good time.  Any other suggestions i could look into on how to create a server would be helpful..thanks


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