Hi! I have been a part of the liberty unleashed since it has came out. Just been hidden.
I would like to create a server due to not only me but other people keep getting there hard work removed due to hackers. I've had this happen about 15 to 12 times [Uptown{ts}jelsgo0
did that to me last night due to I was about to kill him then he went into god mode.then took all my weapons. then my cash then said noob. im 25 been playing gta III on pc since 2002 how am I a noob.?. Then stole my account, can not login now.. Im feed up with the immaturity.. and the lack of support.
I want to be able to work on an account not always starting over then getting up to 100.000 then get all my weapons and money removed due to hackers.. enough is enough,
People are ruining online gameplay for others, people put a lot of work into the server only to have hackers destroy it..im getting ready to turn my back on liberty unleashed they stated its not for hacking. And obviously well its happening

Ive been playing gta 3 and vice city for the past 13 years straight I support lu but the support stops right now. Until something is resolved
Could someone please point me in a good direction,
If I could even get a strong support in a server I don't mind donating each month. I have money.(real life money).I play 24-& off and on during the day I can start recording hackers if that's what it takes to clean up the lu community, Cheers