DarkCrystal v0.1.4.5Features- FastControl
- Kills, deaths, headshots, cash, skin, addon...
- Ban list
- Ban type (UID, IP, Name)
- Anti-Caps
- Anti-Driveby
- Limit of Ping
- Limit of same IP
- Reaction (typing)
- Killing spree
- And more... (see changelog)
Commands- cmds
- login
- password
- autologin
- register
- logout
- stats
- skin
- v (vehicle)
- skin
- addon
- heal
- armour
- givecash
- wep
- kill
- pm/msg
- c1
- c2
Change log[]
Added to server class new option for Bannd vehicles
Fixed reaction (you can type again and receive cash even ended)
Fixed /getall
Fixed headshot (sometimes no plays)
Removed /wep
Added foreach to modules and scripts
Added to server class new option for insults
Added to server class new option for cash per kill
Added to server class new option for kills*cash
Changed all 'while' or 'for' to 'foreach'
Changed messages when player joins
Fixed kills
Fixed killing spree
Fixed null in Reaction
Added /setcmdlevel to admins
Added minutes and seconds to AntiFlood
Added server time running (server rule)
Added players joined (server rule)
Added /cd command
Added ID 0 to GetAddonName func (None)
Added /play < sound name > to client
Added hosting server rule
Added owner server rule
Updated /stats
Changed /slap < id > < reason > to /slap < id > < hp > < reason >
Fixed problem of more of 60 seconds in da AntiFlood
Fixed /givecash error
Fixed errors/(idk wut errors) lol
Fixed problem of "Command" in AdminCommands (is szCommand)
Fixed problem of /caps (always is enabled, never disable)
Added rules
Added weapons when player spawns
Added joins (to accounts)
Added anti-Player name
Added /caps for admins
Added /ann for admins
Added /bigann (with type) for admins
Added autologin
Added to Server class option for Max length of the strings generated by the reaction
Added /c1 and /c2 for car
Added forbbiden names
Added /getuid for admins (for offline users, get UID stored)
Changed /password < password > to /password < old > < new >
New RandomString (for Reaction, and fixed some problems o.O)
Fixed Molotov always fading camera (client)
Added killing spree
Added unban
Added ban list
Removed the [AFK] in da name and set to VirtualWorld
Added typing reaction
Added anti-caps
Added limit of ping
Added limit of PC's with same IP
Added attempts to login
Added ban type to /ban for admins
Added option for "disable" logs
Added option for mute time (in seconds)
Added option for max. flood in msg's
Fixed many things :p
Initial release