Three seriously disturbing things I would like to mention about the mistakes made in this topic:
1. It is called LU, not LU-MP, or LU:MP, or anything else.
2. MTA:VC is not gone. The "used to exist" comments are null and void. It is still around. I don't appreciate people ****ting on GTA3:MTA/MTA:VC.
3. VU was not cancelled. It was postponed, as the LU and VC:MP teams decided to work together and help each other on one another's mods instead of stretching the LU team thinner, and creating competition against VC:MP. This does not mean it will never happen. It just means it isn't happening right now. Those who cannot speak for the LU team shouldn't be spreading false rumors about this. VRocker himself did nothing to state that it was cancelled in response to all of the previous comments in this topic, so why would regular users go and do it?
Now as far as VU and AU go, I would love to see them too...but until people start pitching in and volunteering to help out the LU team, I don't see it happening any time soon. They already need help with LU because of a lack of active people able to constantly work on it. If someone capable, willing, and trustworthy offers themselves forward to help out, maybe this can change...