Hey guys

Thought i'd post an update on whats been happening in the world of Liberty Unleashed lately.
First of all i'd like to appologise for the lack of updates and there is a reason for it.
Since the last blog post, i decided to recode a big portion of the mod. This being the Netcode.
The reason i decided to recode this is it was a bit shit and bandwidth heavy. It also wasn't as flexible as i wanted it (even though i did code it...), as i learnt more about raknet and C++ i noticed how bad it really was and how good it could be, although patching it up here and there just wouldn't cut it.
So yeh, i ripped out all the sync and stuff and started recoding, it should've took about a week to do really but meh what can i say, i'm lazy

So here we are, a few weeks down the line and the new netcode is nearly completed but not quite.
I do however have some good news

Foot and vehicle sync has been re-implimented and is better than ever! Although they are not fully finished, the smoothness is great

I have made a small video showing foot and vehicle sync which i
will upload shortly have uploaded to YouTube and is attached below (Bear in mind, i was recording at 15FPS and playing against somebody with a ping over 200. And since sync isn't finished, the lag compensation is crap)
Hopefully when this new netcode is fully implimented sync should be rivalling some of the other top GTA mods

and bugs should be down to minimal.
Heres the crappy short vid: