Sure its somewhere in your script..Please post relevant code from connect and disconnect events.
function onPlayerJoin( pPlayer ){ Message( pPlayer.Name + " has joined.", Colour( 139, 255, 178 ) ); return 0;}
function onPlayerPart( pPlayer, reason ){switch(reason){ case PARTREASON_DISCONNECTED: Message( pPlayer.Name + " has disconnected (Reason: Quit)", Colour( 255, 124, 124 ) ); break; case PARTREASON_BANNED: Message( pPlayer.Name + " has disconnected (Reason: Ban)", Colour( 255, 124, 124 ) ); break; case PARTREASON_KICKED: Message( pPlayer.Name + " has disconnected (Reason: Kick)", Colour( 255, 124, 124 ) ); break; default: Message( pPlayer.Name + " has disconnected (Reason: Crash)", Colour( 255, 124, 124 ) ); break;} return 0;}
I not absolutely understand that you mean. yellow messages not myred and green my